Camerun, France 1999 | 61 Min. | 16 mm, OmeU

Chef! is a film about frustration. Frustration in the face of growing misery in a country rich in natural resources which are exclusively there for the benefit of a powerful minority. Frustration in the face of indifference and arrogance of the bosses towards the poverty of so many people. Frustration in the face of silent anger of the masses which is expressed in violence against the weakest and poorest. Frustration about living in a country which is a prison without bars, at the mercy of the good will of an allpowerful boss. With this film I wanted to highlight the responsibility of the big and small bosses who profited from the confusion of colonial times, and who have become tyrants of their own people, contributing to a social development towards corruption and increasing misery. I also wanted to highlight the fascination of the people with figures of authority. (Jean Marie Teno)