how to get there

By train

From Freiburg Cen­tral Sta­tion tram line 2 direc­tion Gün­ter­stal, to stop Loret­tostrasse, approx. 4 min. walk into Urach­straße to the Kom­mu­nales Kino. - From Feb­ru­ary 2025, fes­ti­val vis­i­tors will be able to pur­chase dis­count­ed Deutsche Bahn tick­ets with the DB event ticket.

By car

Coming by car, take the Auto­bahn exit  Freibrug-Centre via inner city, turn right at the second traf­fic light into Gün­ter­stal­straße, fourth cross-road will be Urachstraße.

By plane

The EuroA­ir­port Basel/Mulhouse is very con­ve­nient for inter­na­tion­al guests coming from not very far away. There is a reg­u­lar bus con­nec­tion to and from the main train sta­tion in Frei­bur­g. For long dis­tance flights, the Frank­furt air­port may be more con­ve­nient. There is a high-speed train (ICE) con­nec­tion to and from Frei­burg main train station.


freiburg­er film forum

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freiburg­er film forum 47.984820, 7.853588 freiburg­er film foru­mU­rach­str. 40D-79102 Freiburg