tickets / rates

The fes­ti­val will take place at the Kom­mu­nales Kino Freiburg.
If all tick­ets for an event are sold out online, please try at the box office in the cinema. Often there is a remain­ing ticket contingent.

A selec­tion of the on-site fes­ti­val pro­gram, includ­ing Q&As will be live streamed from the cinema. These streams will be acces­si­ble only at the time of the on-site screen­ing. Please be aware of the geo-restric­tions (infor­ma­tion on stream­ing plat­form). Online guests can follow the Q&As in the stream or par­tic­i­pate via zoom. Check out our stream­ing plat­form for a live stream timetable and fur­ther information.


Single Ticket Film

  • 8 € / 5 € *
  • Avail­able via Ticket-Button at each event page

Single Ticket Workshop

  • 5 €
  • Avail­able via Ticket-Button at each event page

Full Fes­ti­val Pass // access to all on-site events, includes all live streams

  • 95 € / 85 € *
  • Avail­able via the form below

5 Days Fes­ti­val Pass // 5 days access to all on-site events, includes all live streams

  • 65 € / 45 €*
  • Avail­able via the form below

Single Ticket Live-Stream 

Online Fes­ti­val Pass // access to all live streams

  • 15 €
  • Avail­able here



In case you are facing any prob­lems with online ticket pur­chase or the live stream, please con­tact us via mail or phone // Tel. +49 761 459800-12

Or find help in the FAQs.


* Reduced prices apply for stu­dents and per­sons of low-income (ALG II recip­i­ents, Freiburg-Pass)



    Full Fes­ti­val Pass
    € 95 
    € 85 
    5 Days Fes­ti­val Pass
    € 65 
    € 45 
    Online Fes­ti­val Pass
    € 15 
    City, ZIP*
    * required fields By sub­mit­ting this form, you’re accept­ing our pri­va­cy policy and pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data.


    Bank trans­fer details and a cost break­down will be emailed to you once your ticket order has been received. Access to the online portal will be emailed to you prior to the start of the fes­ti­val.