Current Films


Jean Marie Teno
Camerun, France 1999 | 61 Min. | 16 mm, OmeU
Chef! is a film about frus­tra­tion. Frus­tra­tion in the face of grow­ing misery in a coun­try rich in nat­ur­al resources which are exclu­sive­ly there for the ben­e­fit of a pow­er­ful … read more


Hillie Mollenaar
Netherlands 1997 | 60 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
From Tan­za­nia and from Rwanda to Zaire, some half a mil­lion refugees from Tutsi-Hutu vio­lence streamed in to create boom town called Benaco. The new­com­ers – whose roles in Rwanda … read more


Kim Longinotto
Great Britain 1998 | 80 Min. | 16 mm, OmeU
Iran­ian women seek­ing divorce meet with strong oppo­si­tion. Often, they stand help­less while their hus­bands win in law-suits and get the cus­tody of their chil­dren, even if they abuse them … read more


Fatima Jebli Ouazzani
Netherlands 1997 | 67 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
»In our islam­ic soci­ety , it’s always the woman who pays the price, why?« With these words a young Maroc­can woman sums up, the until today unbro­ken patri­achal dom­i­nance of … read more


Moussa Sene Absa
France, Senegal 1998 | 52 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
JEF JEL is a doc­u­men­tary about the Islam­ic con­fed­er­a­tion of the Mourides in Sene­gal. Trav­el­ling from Dakar to Touba, where the move­ment was born, dis­ci­ples bear wit­ness to their reli­gion. … read more


Hubert Sauper
Austria, France 1997 | 45 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
Along an over­grown rail­track south of Kin­san­gani, ex-Stan­leyville, lost refugees are dis­cov­ered by an expe­di­tion of the UN. There are 80.000 (!) Hutus from far away Rwanda. They are the … read more


Rachid Bouchareb
France 1997 | 90 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
Nora has had a strict upbring­ing. Her familiy comes from Alge­ria and her par­ents are rig­or­ous in their main­te­nance of tra­di­tion­al cus­tomes. Nora has learned over the years to make … read more


Jean Paul Colleyn
France 1997 | 57 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
Wrapped in their long boubous, car­ry­ing huge striped plas­tic bags, Sene­galese streetven­dors have become a common sight in big cities all over the world. From Dakar to Mar­seille, from Antwer­pen … read more


Abdelkrim Bahloul
Algeria, France 1997 | 90 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
In Paris, Mon­sieur Sli­mani, an old man, wit­ness­es an assas­i­na­tion. Per­sued by the mur­der­ers, he escapes into a mosque. Dis­cov­er­ing, that the mur­der­er is a mighty person, he becomes anx­ious … read more


Naomi Uman
Mexico, USA 1998 | 30 Min. | 16 mm, OF
Made with the most rudi­men­ta­ry tools of film­mak­ing LECHE is a black and white film which exam­ines details of the lives of a rural mex­i­can family. The film was hand … read more


Yamina Benguigui
Algeria, France 1997 | 160 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
This three-parted film allows maghre­bin­ian immi­grants to speak: fathers (part I), moth­ers (part II) and their chil­dren (part III). With archive­ma­te­r­i­al and inter­views Yas­mi­na Ben­guigui analy­ses the »machin­ery« of immi­gra­tion. … read more


Thierry Michel
Belgium, France 1999 | 135 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
At the end of 1965 in the ex-Bel­gian Congo torn and exhaust­ed by five years of unrest, Gen­er­al Mobutu and the army set up a pow­er­ful state soon to be … read more


Vicky Funari
Canada, Mexico, USA 1997 | 88 Min. | 16 mm, OmeU
Pauli­na Cruz Suarez, now just turned 50, has worked as a maid in Mexico City since she was 15. She talks of her house­hold tasks and her cook­ing, until we … read more


Tahani Rached
Canada, Egypt 1997 | 90 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

How do we get along with each other when our views col­lide? This is a modern, urban ques­tion which is vital and uni­ver­sal. Four Egypt­ian women dare to answer this ques­tion. Their con­fronta­tion rede­fines the notion of tol­er­ance. The four girl­friends have one common goal: human dig­ni­ty. They are full of love for their coun­try. They still remem­ber the regency of King Faruk and they had hoped for fun­da­men­tal changes after Nasser’s rev­o­lu­tion. All of them have been fight­ing for social jus­tice since then, and yet, their iden­ti­ties have devel­oped accord­ing to the rhythm of his­to­ry. Each one of them has chosen a dif­fer­ent path. Their Islam­ic faith, Chris­t­ian belief, or Athe­ist con­vic­tion are like antipodes, their dif­fer­ent notions of a state col­lide: one wants the seper­a­tion of reli­gion and state, others fight for a social­ist or an Islam­ic country.

Nev­er­the­less, the four women refuse to con­demn each other or allow dis­dain to enter into their rela­tion­ships. They listen to each other’s dif­fer­ent opin­ions and they are able to con­tra­dict each other. It doesn’t impair their friend­ship. They accept each other com­plete­ly, allow quar­rels, check each other , cal­cu­late and judge with­out with­draw­ing them­selves. They dare to judge each other and to tell each other what they think. They give each other the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explain them­selves and take revenge. And they laugh about it.

The Pro­tag­o­nists
Amina Rachid is a pro­fes­sor of com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cairo. A left­ist mil­i­tant and a non-prac­tis­ing moslem since her youth, she worked for a decade at the nation­al research centre in Paris (CNRS) and returned to Egypt at the end of the 70s. She is editor-in-chief for ‘Nour’, a lit­er­ary jour­nal devot­ed to the work of Arab women.

Safy­naz Kazem left Egypt in 1961 to study in the United States of Amer­i­ca and stayed for 5 years. A devot­ed Moslem who wears the veil and advo­cates the strict appli­ca­tion of Sharia (Islam­ic law). She works as a writer, the­atre critic and jour­nal­ist. Recent­ly, she pub­lished an essay on the roots of her writing.

Sha­hen­da Maklad is a leader of the agrar­i­an rev­o­lu­tion and the strug­gle for peas­ants’ rights fol­low­ing the assas­si­na­tion of her hus­band, whom she suc­ceed­ed. A prac­tis­ing Muslim, she has run for elec­tion three times.

Wedad Mitry is a retired teacher, trade-union­ist and cam­paigns for the rights of women. She was par­tic­u­lar­ly active in the fight for the right of women to vote. She is a prac­tis­ing Copt.


Laurent Bocahut, Philip Brooks
France 1998 | 62 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
WOUBI CHÉRI is a doc­u­men­tary that looks at gay life in con­tem­po­rary Africa. The film takes place in the Ivory Coast and fea­tures a range of char­ac­ters from Vin­cent, a … read more


Laurent van Lancker, Robin Shuffield
Belgium 1998 | 52 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
‘Ymako Téatri’, a the­atre com­pa­ny based in Ivory Coast, uses street the­atre to ques­tion some con­tem­po­rary West African prob­lems. Their orig­i­nal­i­ty con­sists in using the ‘invis­i­ble the­atre’ method in order … read more


Bouna Medoune Seye
France, Senegal 1998 | 52 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
»Que la parole soit claire / la vie tient en deux jours / le jour de la nais­sance, le jour de la mort / Laiss­er sa cul­ture pour une autre … read more