Camerun, France 1999 | 61 Min. | 16 mm, OmeU

JEF JEL is a documentary about the Islamic confederation of the Mourides in Senegal. Travelling from Dakar to Touba, where the movement was born, disciples bear witness to their religion. »The Bayes Falls, these mystics organized in a rigidly regulated society, are for Moussa Sène Absa the guardians of a nobility of soul and charcter that are today almost forgotten in Senegal. And with his camera at neck level or on the ground, he invites the audiance to penetrate their closed world, to follow in their calm footsteps and to take part in lively discussions (…). The message of JEF JEL is rather to suggest what animates the community of the Bayes Falls than to really show who they are. Being at home in their world, Moussa Sene Absa espouses their cause, multiplying his viewpoints to capture their changing facets.«
(Michel Amarger)