Be’ Jam Be - the Never Ending Song
(Be’ Jam Be et cela n’aura pas de fin.)

Caroline Parietti, Cyprien Ponson
France, Switzerland 2017 | 85 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 10:00 AM

The Mutan tree, well we say tree, but orig­i­nal­ly it’s a liana that uses the tree to climb. And its grasp ends up killing the tree.” In Sarawak, one of the two Malaysian states on Borneo, the Penan who not that long ago were nomads, are among the first to be affect­ed by defor­esta­tion. The film, car­ried by the song of those who refuse to give in, cap­tures the dif­fer­ent ways of resis­tance of each one in this deadly fight. A doc­u­men­tary thriller, BE’JAM BE et cela n’aura pas de fin. is a tes­ta­ment to modern forest guer­ril­las fight­ing bull­doz­ers with blowpipes.

I am Golden Karen

Maui Druez, Preben Verledens
Belgium 2018 | 83 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 01:30 PM
“Even when I close my eyes, I can hardly remem­ber what my vil­lage looks like, but I carry the beauty of Karen state in my mind for­ev­er.” Some say the … read more

With Our Eyes

Laura Na Blankholm
Denmark 2018 | 41 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 03:30 PM
Affect­ed by the polit­i­cal real­i­ty in Den­mark, WITH OUR EYES exam­ines how col­lab­o­ra­tive trans­gres­sion can break down the stereo­typ­i­cal image of Mus­lims. In the film, the char­ac­ters become par­tic­i­pants by … read more

Film for Carlos

Renato Borrayo Serrano
Russia 2017 | 31 Min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 03:30 PM
Carlos is the name of a new­born baby in Moscow. His mother is Russ­ian and his father is Guatemalan. This is a prob­lem for Carlos’ mater­nal grand­par­ents, who begin to … read more


Laura Kansy, Oskar Zoche
Germany, India 2018 | 75 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 05:30 PM
Four strangers - same room, same cloth­ing, same city. Four people who would rarely meet in real life, enter into dia­logue. Love, money, faith and some kind of dif­fer­ence. Four … read more

Up Down & Sideways

Anushka Meenakshi, Iswar Srikumar
India 2017 | 83 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 07:30 PM

Thu, 30-May-19 05:30 PM
Why do people sing when they work? In Phek, a vil­lage in the hills close to the border between India and Myan­mar, almost all res­i­dents work togeth­er in the fields. … read more

Emails to My Little Sister

Solomon A. Mekonen
Ethiopia, Germany 2018 | 25 min | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 10:00 PM
“I can’t be cer­tain what will happen with this dig­ni­ty in you when you decide to come, too.” In his auto-ethno­graph­ic film EMAILS TO MY LITTLE SISTER, the Ethiopi­an direc­tor … read more


Anne Reijniers, Nizar Saleh, Paul Shemisi, Rob Jacobs
Belgium, Congo | engl. subtitled

Wed, 29-May-19 10:00 PM

Sun, 02-Jun-19 06:00 PM
On the eve of the post­poned Con­golese elec­tions, two Con­golese and two Bel­gian cineasts are col­lab­o­rat­ing on a film about Kin­shasa and its resis­tance against the lega­cies of colo­nial­ism. The … read more