Withering House

Shreyas Dasharathe
India 2017 | 26 min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 01:00 PM

Sun, 02-Jun-19 03:30 PM
A house gives us a sense of belong­ing. It envelops us and pro­tects us. It is a symbol of the time, the cul­ture, and the beings that it inhab­its. A … read more

At the Crossroads

Savyasachi Anju Prabir
India 2017 | 48 min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 01:00 PM

Sun, 02-Jun-19 03:30 PM
Nes­tled in the Himalayan range in Uttarak­hand, India, the town of Kalap may soon have a road suit­able for motor­ized vehi­cles. Until then, the vil­lage con­tin­ues to be 10-kilo­me­ter walk … read more

Violence is to charge 600 Euros - Public Land II

Elena Friedrich
Germany, Greece, Spain, Turkey 2018 | 27 min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 03:00 PM
Head­lines about the con­se­quences of the eco­nom­ic and social crises and the cur­rent lack of sol­i­dar­i­ty seem to have lost their sell­ing. They grab little atten­tion in the public dis­course. … read more

The River, My Friend

Hannah Ambühl
Sweden, Switzerland 2018 | 46 min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 04:30 PM
The Lule River flows through a part of Sweden that has been pop­u­lat­ed pri­mar­i­ly by the Sami people for thou­sands of years. The 15 dams that make indus­tri­al use of … read more

In the Devil’s Garden

Algeria, Switzerland 2018 | 25 Min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 04:30 PM
The film sit­u­ates the viewer within the makeshift space of an animal market in Alge­ria. Drift­ing between feed­ing and wait­ing, one attunes to the bodies of goats and camels, two … read more

(booked out)

Marc Sebastian Eils
Cameroon, Germany 2018 | 9 min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 07:00 PM
“They deport­ed me on the 7th of Decem­ber. They just said: Mr. Fobas­so, you need to go home now.” While fight­ing to renew his res­i­dence status, Demian is unex­pect­ed­ly hand­cuffed … read more

Tanzania Transit
(booked out)

> festival opening

Jeroen Van Velzen
Netherlands 2018 | 75 min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 07:00 PM
A busy train full of pas­sen­gers rolls through Tan­za­nia from the capi­tol to the provinces for three long days and nights. In third class, we meet a charis­mat­ic Masai named … read more