(نور على نور)
Denmark, Egypt 2022 | 78 Min. | engl. subtitled
Sun, 14-May-23 07:30 PM
Christian Suhr, Muhammad Mustapha
A man sleeps soundly on a colorful sofa. A telephone rings. Then he walks through landscape, somewhere in Africa. A village, a rooster crows, someone sleeps under a mosquito tent. The phone is still ringing. A radio is turned on and then you see the recording studio, the speaker and a weighty lady - the dream interpreter. Music, then the first caller of the radio show tells his dream: he climbed a tree and is at a loss. The lady indicates to him that things are looking up, his situation will improve.… But dreams are not always so clear and sometimes ritual actions are recommended to the callers as after a confession. The sleeper from the colorful sofa continues to wander through various sceneries, he is probably the one who wanted to bring a tractor to his village. Was it just a dream or did he make it come true? In any case, at the end he is still asleep.
This film will be screened simultaneously at Unseen as part of our #Junction_Nairobi, followed by a shared discussion.
Bruno Rocchi was born in Bergamo in 1983, studied film at the University of Bologna and attended a reporters’ school in Milan. In 2014, he made the reportage MONTE GOUROUGOU (9 min) and in 2015 he realized BLED EL MAHKZEN (45 min), a documentary about power and economy in northern Morocco. His latest work is the result of an adventure on the borders of Senegal on the trail of a man who wanted to take a tractor to his native village.