(نور على نور)
Denmark, Egypt 2022 | 78 Min. | engl. subtitled
Sun, 14-May-23 07:30 PM
Christian Suhr, Muhammad Mustapha
The passport of the Senegalese Mbaye is full of stamps. His family lives in Portugal, he lives more in the car than at home. Mbaye ensures the courier service between the continents. He regularly drives from Lisbon to Dakar and back, the two places he calls home. That’s 4,000 kilometers in an old Peugeot 504 packed to the rafters with goods and orders from family and acquaintances in the distant diaspora.
The camera is his co-driver, watching and listening above all. More than with the steering wheel, the driver is busy with his cell phone. There is constant radio contact, with the family, and his “customers” announce more wishes and questions. When all the goods and gifts have reached the clientele it goes back with a load of African masks. At the end, they lie spread out on a cloth in a Portuguese market, as if they embodied the countless voices in the film: “Yes, I’m fine, all good back here, we’ll stay in touch.” Mbaye has fulfilled his mission in the migrant network.
PEDRO FIGUEIREDO born 1984, is a Portuguese filmmaker, anthropologist and architect. His professional and creative work focuses on borders, forced displacement and social and spatial segregation. He has directed short films such as CURUPIRA (2016), BULWARK (2016), WITHERING REFUGE (2020) or SIZIGIA (2021).
RICARDO FALCÃO, born in 1980, is a filmmaker and anthropologist. Since 2007, he has focused his work on Senegal, a country where he has conducted ethnographic studies for a long time. Ethnography is at the center of his work. His first experience with film was the ethnographic documentary WALO WALO in 2009.
Directors, Script: Pedro Neto, Ricardo Falcão
Cinematography: Pedro Neto
Sound: Ricardo Falcão
Music: Mattia Bonafini, Filipe Palha
Editor: Francisco Moreira
Producer: Joana Ferreira, Isabel Machado
Distribution: Sopro Filmes