(نور على نور)
Denmark, Egypt 2022 | 78 Min. | engl. subtitled
Sun, 14-May-23 07:30 PM
Christian Suhr, Muhammad Mustapha
Rivers are the lifelines of the earth - VEINS OF THE AMAZON fills this notion with fervor by looking and listening to what the river means to the people living along its banks. The ferries on the Amazon in Peru carry anything and everything, sacks of rice and potatoes, bananas, building materials, furniture, barrels or livestock, and the countless people who need it all in the rainforest otherwise untouched by any form of transportation.
The camera is often in the middle of it all. During the exit of a bull, which ten men barely manage, the camera sometimes wobbles. Then again it rests on the long shot of a colorfully packed loading area, the sleepers in hammocks. When an entire village streams toward the docking ship on the shore to sell snacks, fruits, drinks, life pulsates.
As the camera observes, conversations mingle off-screen; with the dock worker or cook, the captain or individual passengers. The audience becomes a silent participant in the conversation and learns what this artery of traffic means to the collective of indigenous communities.
Alvaro Sarmiento is a Quechua descendant documentarist, founder and director of HDPERU, a non-profit organization engaged in the production of films in defense of native peoples’ rights and environmental conservation in the Andes and the Amazon of Peru. Alvaro studied Media, Communications Science and Film at the Universidad de Lima in Peru, Estacio de Sa University in Brazil and attended a MFA in Filmmaking at Ohio University in the USA.
Terje Toomistu is an anthropologist and a documentary filmmaker from Estonia, currently employed as a Research Fellow at the University of Tartu, Institute of Cultural Research, holding a Noor-Eesti Grant awarded by the Postimees Fund. Her prime areas of focus are gender, mobility, and affect and her main areas of research expertise are Indonesian gender and sexuality and late Soviet non-conformist youth.
Diego Sarmiento is born in Peru and a documentary filmmaker who studied Media Production at the Universidad Catolica in Lima and is a Berlinale Talents alumni.
Directors: Álvaro Sarmiento, Terje Toomistu, Diego Sarmiento
Script: Terje Toomistu
Cinematography: Diego Sarmiento
Editing: Fabricio Deza, Álvaro & Diego Sarmiento
Production: Álvaro & Diego Sarmiento
Distribution: Pascale Ramonda