veins of life

(نور على نور)

Christian Suhr
Denmark, Egypt 2022 | 78 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 14-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Christian Suhr, Muhammad Mustapha
Danish anthro­pol­o­gist Chris­t­ian Suhr embarks on a jour­ney through Egypt and into the spir­i­tu­al world of the Sufis. Togeth­er with his Islam­ic friend Muham­mad, he meets numer­ous believ­ers for talks … read more


Alba Jaramillo
Columbia 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled

Tue, 16-May-23 07:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with:
Alba Jaramillo

For nearly 20 years, the self-orga­nized Motor­rodil­lo Asso­cia­cion has pro­vid­ed people in Colom­bia with an afford­able means of local trans­porta­tion. They are cob­bled-togeth­er plat­forms with seats for pas­sen­gers, space for lug­gage, com­bined with a motor­cy­cle that maneu­vers the vehi­cle along a rick­ety dis­used rail track through jungle, over rivers and through towns. Although every­thing seems impro­vised, the trans­port of people and loads works won­der­ful­ly. But the state wants to inter­fere, and all dri­vers are required to prove that they have a dri­ver’s license and health insur­ance. So far, every­thing has always gone smooth­ly, but what comes next is uncer­tain. 

Alba Jaramil­lo lives between Colom­bia, New York and Paris. She stud­ied media arts at the State Uni­ver­si­ty of New York, Buf­fa­lo. She cur­rent­ly works as an editor for BBC Reel and as a pro­duc­er for CNN’s Great Big Story. Her work com­bines video, audio com­po­si­tions, and site-spe­cif­ic media to explore notions of trans­gres­sion of pri­vate and public space. Films: PROJECT FOR A COLLECTION (2013, 10 min); REMATE ESPECIAL (2015, 3 min). 

Direc­tor: Alba Jaramillo
Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er: David Hora­cio Montoya
Editor: Francine Lemaître
Sound: Andres Aceve­do, Manuel Vidal
Pro­duc­tion: The Kingdom


Bruno Rocchi
Italy 2020 | 37 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 21-May-23 02:30 PM
Q&A with:
Bruno Rocchi
A man sleeps sound­ly on a col­or­ful sofa. A tele­phone rings. Then he walks through land­scape, some­where in Africa. A vil­lage, a roost­er crows, some­one sleeps under a mos­qui­to tent. … read more


Álvaro Sarmiento, Diego Sarmiento, Terje Toomistu
Peru 2021 | 71 Min. | engl. subtitled

Tue, 16-May-23 07:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with
Álvaro Sarmiento, Diego Sarmiento
Rivers are the life­lines of the earth - VEINS OF THE AMAZON fills this notion with fervor by look­ing and lis­ten­ing to what the river means to the people living … read more


Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins
Canada 2020 | 87 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 14-May-23 04:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom mit:
Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins
“Here is a place beyond space and time” says Kalam, who guides view­ers through the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh. His poetic words form the frame­work of the film. … read more


Pedro Neto, Ricardo Falcão
Portugal 2021 | 84 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Pedro Neto, Ricardo Falcão
The pass­port of the Sene­galese Mbaye is full of stamps. His family lives in Por­tu­gal, he lives more in the car than at home. Mbaye ensures the couri­er ser­vice between … read more