How can we use the medium of film to tell stories? How do we meet the unexpected in the process of filmmaking? How do we keep up with the complexities … read more
Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston, Rajat Nayyar, Rana El Kadi
Tue, 16-May-23 02:00 PM
Our present is defined by uncertainty – social, political, economic, and ecological – and how we understand and relate to such uncertainty shapes how we forge our futures. In recent … read more
How can we use methods of irritation and confrontation within our filmmaking practice to irritate the status quo and show that there are more ways of being in and experiencing … read more
Alba Jaramillo Columbia 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled
Tue, 16-May-23 07:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with: Alba Jaramillo
For nearly 20 years, the self-organized Motorrodillo Associacion has provided people in Colombia with an affordable means of local transportation. They are cobbled-together platforms with seats for passengers, space for … read more
Álvaro Sarmiento, Diego Sarmiento, Terje Toomistu Peru 2021 | 71 Min. | engl. subtitled
Tue, 16-May-23 07:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with Álvaro Sarmiento, Diego Sarmiento
Rivers are the lifelines of the earth - VEINS OF THE AMAZON fills this notion with fervor by looking and listening to what the river means to the people living … read more
OUT OF HOUSE At the half-time of the festival we bring murals and house walls to life. A cargo bike carries the beamer, the power generator and the sound system - … read more
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