Alba Jaramillo
Columbia 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled

Tue, 16-May-23 07:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with:
Alba Jaramillo
For nearly 20 years, the self-orga­nized Motor­rodil­lo Asso­cia­cion has pro­vid­ed people in Colom­bia with an afford­able means of local trans­porta­tion. They are cob­bled-togeth­er plat­forms with seats for pas­sen­gers, space for … read more


Álvaro Sarmiento, Diego Sarmiento, Terje Toomistu
Peru 2021 | 71 Min. | engl. subtitled

Tue, 16-May-23 07:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with
Álvaro Sarmiento, Diego Sarmiento
Rivers are the life­lines of the earth - VEINS OF THE AMAZON fills this notion with fervor by look­ing and lis­ten­ing to what the river means to the people living … read more

Tue, 16-May-23 09:15 PM
OUT OF HOUSE At the half-time of the fes­ti­val we bring murals and house walls to life. A cargo bike car­ries the beamer, the power gen­er­a­tor and the sound system - … read more