
Jan Stöckel
Italy 2020 | 13 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 10:30 AM
Q&A with:
Jan Stöckel (via zoom), Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)
14 year old Andrea spends his summer hol­i­days on the Venice Lagoon. His father and grand­fa­ther have been diving and fish­ing sea urchins since decades and now Andrea is at … read more

(إمرأة فضاء)

Hadi Moussally
France, Lebanon 2021 | 19 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 10:30 AM
Q&A with:
Hadi Moussally, Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)
Tripoli, North Lebanon. At 64, Maha has just taken her retire­ment from teach­ing. This new life puts her in the face of her lone­li­ness as a divorced woman, whose chil­dren … read more


David Vázquez
Spain 2022 | 29 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 10:30 AM
Q&A with:
David Vázquez (via Zoom), Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)
After lead­ing a stu­dent life in Pon­fer­ra­da, the 24-year-old Edil­ber­to Rodríguez decides to return to the moun­tains and ded­i­cate him­self to herd­ing a herd of goats. With the memory of … read more


Andrea Bordoli
Switzerland 2021 | 19 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 02:00 PM
Q&A with:
Andrea Bordoli (via Zoom), Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)
This post-apoc­a­lyp­tic, eco-fic­tion short film fol­lows two con­struc­tion work­ers wan­der­ing in a zone where inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or ter­ri­to­ries are inter­twined. In a con­stant search for traces, they are con­front­ed with … read more


Effi & Amir
Albania 2016 | 33 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 02:00 PM
Q&A with:
Amir Borenstein, Effi Weiss, Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)
In a two-dimen­sion­al dystopi­an land­scape of desert­ed half-built houses in Alba­nia, a new mythol­o­gy is in the making. The film­mak­ers, per­haps a con­tem­po­rary incar­na­tion of Goldilocks from the tale of … read more


Adam Paaske
Denmark 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 04:30 PM
Q&A with:
Adam Paaske
An ethno­graph­ic comedy show­ing people at leisure in the set­ting of the ‘som­mer­hus’, a sort of summer res­i­dence pop­u­lar in Den­mark. Among the cast: a teenage girl who treads water … read more


Jannes Callens
Belgium, Romania 2022 | 52 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 04:30 PM
Q&A with:
Jannes Callens, Sven Aerts
DOR (LONGING) enables us to share moments of encounter between some very ground­ed char­ac­ters, a group of young shep­herds in Roma­nia– and a person in a moment of being in … read more


Pedro Neto, Ricardo Falcão
Portugal 2021 | 84 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Pedro Neto, Ricardo Falcão
The pass­port of the Sene­galese Mbaye is full of stamps. His family lives in Por­tu­gal, he lives more in the car than at home. Mbaye ensures the couri­er ser­vice between … read more


Laura Sisteró
France, Spain 2022 | 70 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A via zoom with:
Laura Sisteró
Toly­at­ti is the Russ­ian Detroit. Toly­at­ti used to be con­sid­ered the center of the Soviet auto­mo­tive indus­try, with full employ­ment for all and modest pros­per­i­ty. But today, the almost-metrop­o­lis lags … read more