(Жизнь Иванны Яптунэ / Zhizn Ivanny))

Renato Borrayo Serrano
Estonia, Finland, Norway, Russia 2021 | 79 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 13-May-23 01:30 PM

Sat, 20-May-23 07:15 PM
Q&A with:
Renato Borrayo Serrano
Ener­getic Ivanna lives with five chil­dren in a tiny sled car. She belongs to the nomadic Nenets, who breed rein­deer in the Arctic tundra. It is a rough but also … read more


Louis Hothothot
China, Netherlands 2021 | 112 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 13-May-23 04:00 PM
Q&A with:
Louis Hothothot
Louis Hothothot was born as an ille­gal second child in China, his par­ents got severe­ly pun­ished and had to cope with bitter con­se­quences. After stay­ing for years abroad, the film­mak­er … read more


Shaunak Sen
India 2022 | 91 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 13-May-23 07:30 PM

Thu, 18-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A via zoom with:
Ben Bernhard, Shaunak Sen
Some days, the black kites lit­er­al­ly drop from the sky—the air pol­lu­tion in Delhi, India, can be so intense that flocks of the birds fall to earth. If they’re lucky, … read more


Brenda Akele Jorde
Germany, Mozambique, South Africa 2022 | 89 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 13-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with:
Brenda Akele Jorde
THE HOMES WE CARRY por­trays a family torn apart by the tur­moil of world his­to­ry between Ger­many, Mozam­bique and South Africa. At the centre is Sarah, a young Afro-German mother. … read more