Progress and Displacement

In the most remote parts of the world where the bull­doz­ers con­tin­ue to push ahead in the name of so-called progress, those people who are affect­ed the most are the few remain­ing, intact farm­ing cul­tures and indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties. This the­mat­ic focus takes us to the high­est regions of Colom­bia and the Pampas of north­ern Brazil, where we encounter obvi­ous oppo­sites. While the indige­nous people in Colom­bia wear white hand-woven cloth­ing, this is a stark con­trast to the indus­tri­al, worn out denim clothes mass-pro­duced in a town in Brazil. Yet this tex­tile dif­fer­ence alone demon­strates the loss of cul­tur­al diver­si­ty. What is won by ‘progress’? What is lost? The Arhua­co in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the north of Colom­bia have been defend­ing their tra­di­tion­al way of life for cen­turies. Now, there are only a few of them left, yet they insist on main­tain­ing their cul­ture and their self-deter­mi­na­tion. THINKING LIKE A MOUNTAIN by Alexan­der Hick is a cin­e­mato­graph­ic mon­u­ment to these people. Ivan Boccara’s PASTORALES shows what already hap­pened in Europe more than one hun­dred years ago. In this … read more


Ivan Boccara
Morocco 2017 | 93 min | engl. subtitled

Sat, 01-Jun-19 03:00 PM
For cen­turies, the Berbers in the Middle and High Atlas Moun­tains have been sub­sist­ing on farm­ing and rais­ing cattle. How­ev­er, they are no longer able to make a living from … read more

Thinking like a Mountain

Alexander Hick
Columbia, Germany 2018 | 93 min | engl. subtitled

Fri, 31-May-19 03:30 PM

Sat, 01-Jun-19 10:00 PM

The Arhua­co live in the high­est moun­tains of Colom­bia. They wear their tra­di­tion­al white clothes as they have for many cen­turies and main­tain their cul­ture and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, which is tight­ly inter­wo­ven with their nat­ur­al world. Alexan­der Hick chose to approach them through the land­scape, cre­at­ing com­pelling images of a rit­u­al­is­tic unity of people, lakes, ice, and rocks. By let­ting them talk, the film also revis­its the cen­tu­ry-old his­to­ry of the Arhua­co, about which very little is known. Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies tried to change them, and plan­ta­tions were built on their land where they were forced to work as slaves. During the civil war, they were caught in the cross­fire, while some of them fought for the FARC.
Just as the cli­mate change is alter­ing the land­scape, the self-under­stand­ing and resilience of this indige­nous com­mu­ni­ty, which can only live undis­turbed and follow their tra­di­tion­al ways in the most remote cor­ners of the moun­tains, is crum­bling. The modern world has become too omnipresent. What does the future hold in store for the Arhuaco?

Waiting for the Carnival

Marcelo Gomes
Brazil 2018 | 89 min | engl. subtitled

Sat, 01-Jun-19 08:00 PM
The small town of Tori­ta­ma in the barren land­scape of north-east­ern Brazil has declared itself the “cap­i­tal do jeans.” Mil­lions of pairs of jeans are made there every year, most … read more