In Switzerland, a filmmaker who was fascinated as a child by the charcoal piles close to his home decided to make a film about charcoal burning. In the Congo, a French documentary filmmaker found a … read more
We begin our three-part series focusing on the continuity of colonial mentality with a classic ethnographical film from 1930. We do not want to accuse the directors Gulla Pfeffer and her cameraman Friedrich Dalsheim, who … read more
Already as a child, Holtedahl became fascinated by people and objects from different life worlds. As a young adult she went to Paris in 1964 and watched screenings of ethnographical films in the Musée de … read more
In the most remote parts of the world where the bulldozers continue to push ahead in the name of so-called progress, those people who are affected the most are the few remaining, intact farming cultures … read more