Callshop Istanbul
Canada 2016 | 98 Min. | OmeU

In her live radio show Obaidah Zytoon plays the sound of the Syrian revolution. That’s how, in March 2011, her personal journey into the unknown started, full of hope and boundless energy. She is the narrator who introduces us to her friends, young people with an academic or artistic background who like to have parties on the beach or smoke hash. Elective affinities, united by the dream of a free life and ready to pay a high price. Together they also go out into the streets to film the protests. They produce what they believe the regime fears most: images. But then the events in the streets escalate and the images with them.
More and more frequently, Obaidah reflects, actions are performed for the camera. And yet the “War Show” is real in a brutal way. Travelling all over Syria, always in the line of fire and on the threshold of the next level of escalation, she documents the dynamics of war in seven chapters, from “Revolution” to “Extremism”. But it’s the personal narrative that puts everything in perspective. Obaidah Zytoon and Andreas Dalsgaard have viewed more than 400 hours of materials to shape this story which lets us experience how a departure is followed by a bottomless fall and how images help shape reality. What started as a video diary and digital grass roots movement becomes a requiem.
Obaidah Zytoon geb. 1976 in Zabadani, Syrien. Sie studierte Englische Literatur an der Universität Damaskus. 2008 entstand ihr erster Dokumentarfilm THROUGH WOMEN’S EYES. Sie ist Mitbegründerin des Syrian Artist-Activist Collective Waw Al-Wasel, das Multimedia Art und Kurzfilme zum Syrienkonflikt produziert. THE WAR SHOW ist ihre erste Regiearbeit.
Andreas Dalsgaard geb. 1980 in Dänemark, studierte Anthropologie an der Aarhus University und in Paris, dann Filmregie an der Danish National Film School. Mitbegründer der Produktionsfirma Elk Film, schreibt und inszeniert für Theater, Film und TV. Seine Dokumentarfilme wurden auf internationalen Festivals gezeigt und mit Preisen ausgezeichnet. Filme u.a.: AFGHAN MUSCLES (2007, AFI Grand Prix; World Best Graduation Film, Copenhagen), BOGOTA CHANGE (2009), THE HUMAN SCALE (2012, Al Jazeera Audience Award), LIFE IS SACRED (2015).