War and Flight

Callshop Istanbul

Hind Benchekroun, Sami Mermer
Canada 2016 | 98 Min. | OmeU
Istan­bul is the bridge­head between Europe and Asia and the entrance for trav­el­ers, refugees, and people seek­ing hap­pi­ness from all over the world. Just as their jour­ney brings them here, … read more

Stranger in Paradise

Guido Hendrikx
Netherlands 2016 | 77 Min.
This is a semi-doc­u­men­tary film in three acts. Three groups of refugees sit facing a teacher in a class­room. The teacher is an actor, but the class is made up … read more

The War Show

Andreas Dalsgaard, Obaidah Zytoon
Finland, Syria 2016 | 104 Min. | OmeU
In her live radio show Obaidah Zytoon plays the sound of the Syrian rev­o­lu­tion. That’s how, in March 2011, her per­son­al jour­ney into the unknown start­ed, full of hope and … read more

Zaatari Djinn

Catherine van Campen
Netherlands 2016 | 90 Min.

A girl in a flow­ing dress with a dove stands above the roofs of a sprawl­ing city of tents. Where is Roost­er, Fatma’s best friend? Look, a bicy­cle is shin­ing in the sun amidst the dusty UNHCR containers…

Fatma (age 12), Ferras (10), Miryam (15), and Ham­mou­di (8) all live in Zaatari, one of the largest refugee camps in the north­east of Jordan. Of the 80,000 people living here in the summer of 2015, more than 80 per­cent were chil­dren. Mate­r­i­al hard­ship and wait­ing for news from home define daily life in this world of tents in the middle of the desert, where the daily water deliv­ery seems to be the only con­nec­tion to the out­side world. It is a place full of mys­ti­cal encoun­ters and child­ish fan­tasies. The camera takes the per­spec­tive of the chil­dren living here and fol­lows them through the maze of dusty streets into their own world. 

Cather­ine van Campen geb. 1970. Sie studierte Geschichte an der Uni­ver­sität Ams­ter­dam, arbeit­ete als Regis­seurin und Autorin für das Radio. Nach mehreren preis­gekrön­ten Hörstück­en ent­stand 2007 ihr erster Doku­men­tarfilm ETERNAL MARSH, der u.a. im New Yorker Museum of Modern Art gezeigt wurde. Inter­na­tion­al bekan­nt wurde sie mit Anne Vliegt (2010), eine Doku­men­ta­tion über ein Mäd­chen mit Tourette Syn­drom, der auf mehr als 100 Fes­ti­vals lief. Ihre Filme gewan­nen viele Preise. Weit­ere Filme: DRONA & ME (2009), PAINFUL PAINTING (2011), GARAGE 2.0 (2015).