Lisbet Holtedahl

Already as a child, Holtedahl became fas­ci­nat­ed by people and objects from dif­fer­ent life worlds. As a young adult she went to Paris in 1964 and watched screen­ings of ethno­graph­i­cal films in the Musée de l’Homme for the first time. There she also met Jean Rouch, who fueled her inter­est in Africa, film, and ethnology.  Early on, she became aware of the dif­fi­cul­ty of con­vey­ing impres­sions of Africa. In her first film, NIGER-NORGE (1975), she address­es the living con­di­tions of women in a vil­lage in east­ern Nige­ria, which she con­trasts with cor­re­spond­ing scenes shot in Tromsø. In this way, she pro­vides a provoca­tive and tongue-in-cheek glimpse of what West­ern­ers con­sid­er normal as a way of over­com­ing stereo­types. The poten­tial and chal­lenge of ade­quate­ly trans­lat­ing dif­fer­ent life worlds through film con­tin­ues to occupy the direc­tor up to this day. In her works, Holtedahl always has West­ern audi­ences in mind – their long­ings and their prej­u­dices. Her main goals are to enable them to empathize with the pro­tag­o­nists and to create space for identification. While sen­so­ry ethno­graph­ic films (freiburg­er film forum 2015) … read more

Fri, 31-May-19 10:00 AM
Anthro­po­log­i­cal film­mak­ing: Lessons learned As young novice in Anthro­pol­o­gy in the field, I made draw­ings of people and asked chil­dren to do the same thing; I also took pic­tures and … read more

The Château

Lisbeth Holtedahl
Norway 2018 | 113 min | engl. subtitled

Thu, 30-May-19 07:30 PM

A por­trait of one of the rich­est Cameroon­ian indus­tri­al­ists Al Hajji Mohamadou Ous­man­ou Abbo. Filmed over a period of more than ten years. The red thread of the story is the con­struc­tion of Al Hajji’s spec­tac­u­lar palace on the out­skirts of his native town, Ngaoundéré in North­ern Cameroon. The camera fol­lows Al Hajji on var­i­ous arenas in France, Italy and Cameroon. We learn about his rela­tion­ships and nego­ti­a­tions with the local pop­u­la­tion and Euro­pean arti­sans, who work on the con­struc­tion site, his busi­ness part­ners in the coun­try and abroad as well as local, region­al and nation­al author­i­ties and politi­cians. Through a por­trait of this man, Al Hajji Abbo, as well as through his “love-hate” rela­tion­ship with his Euro­pean part­ners, the film tries to grasp the equal­ly ambiva­lent and com­pli­cat­ed rela­tion­ship between the rich and the poor and between the Global North and the Global South. Pro­gres­sive­ly, the spec­ta­tor dis­cov­ers that the rich man from the poor coun­try can offer new insights about you and me, about poor and rich coun­tries alike.


Lisbeth Holtedahl
Norway 2018 | 85 min | engl. subtitled

Thu, 30-May-19 01:30 PM

Fri, 31-May-19 05:30 PM
Alha­jji Ibrahim Gonji is an Islam­ic schol­ar. For 46 years, he has served as judge at the Sul­tanate of Ngaoundéré in North­ern Cameroon. The film fol­lows Alha­jji during the last … read more