Colonial Mentality
African Mirror
Switzerland 2019 | 84 min | engl. subtitled
Fri, 31-May-19 01:30 PM
Sun, 02-Jun-19 02:00 PM
For decades, Swiss traveller and filmmaker René Gardi (1909-2000) explained the African continent and its inhabitants to us. In books, television programs and films, he waxed poetic about the beautiful naked “savages” and the pre-modern era in which they apparently lived. This supposedly idyllic world became Gardi’s paradise, as Africa was transformed into a projection screen for the desires of the audience back home.
The film AFRICAN MIRROR tells the story using materials from Gardi’s recently opened archive, whose ambivalent pictures mirror our European self-conception in myriad ways. The film reveals image production as a form of colonialism and shows how we have refused to truly look into this mirror to this very day.
Cracks in the Mask
Sun, 02-Jun-19 10:30 AM
Menschen im Busch
Germany 1930 | 64 min | engl. subtitled
Thu, 30-May-19 10:00 AM