Australia 1988 | 70 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
For centuries the men of Kontu, a small island off the coast of New Ireland, have caught sharks in a traditional way. After having undergone extensive ritual purification they go to sea in fragile canoes and ritually call the sharks, to whom they believe to be related. Once the fish appears, they catch and kill them with their hands and ritually announce their success by blowing a shelltrompet. Now after 100 years of colonization, economic exploitation and intense activities by the missionaries, only a handful of men is left who still master the ancient ritual skill. A skill which constitutes the most tangible link with their cultural past. Dennis O’Rourke lived on Kontu for six months and was allowed to record the ritual shark calling on film. Besides he tried to analyse the way in which western influences will eventually destroy this ancient culture.