Current Films


2-channel (split screen)

Max Kerkhoff
Germany 2020 | 13 min
Thu, 06-May-21 07:00 PM
On demand: 6-16th May
Q&A via zoom with:
Max Kerkhoff
Open­ing Program This split-screen work begins with total views as if from Mars, approach­ing the ground simul­ta­ne­ous­ly or alter­nate­ly from dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives. Many people are build­ing a coun­try road with … read more

Burma Spring 21

with filmtalk

Independent filmmakers and illustrators of Myanmar
Myanmar 2021 | 5 min
Sun, 16-May-21 12:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Due to unex­p­tect­ed cir­cum­stanced this event has to be cancelled We are very sorry for this!   On Feb­ru­ary 1st, 2021 Myan­mar Mil­i­tary under the lead­er­ship of Min Aung Hlaing staged … read more


Bahman Kiarostami
Iran 2018 | 77 min
Fri, 07-May-21 07:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Davood Maleki, Kasra Rafiei
Three mil­lion Afghan refugees live in Iran, often facing dis­crim­i­na­tion and endur­ing mostly pre­car­i­ous con­di­tions. Since the tight­en­ing of U.S. sanc­tions and the result­ing infla­tion, thou­sands of refugees are return­ing … read more


only available on 15.05.2021!

Julia Pełka
Poland 2019 | 15 min
Sat, 15-May-21 09:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Julia Pełka
The rela­tion­ship that Varso­vians have with clams is sim­i­lar to the one that once joined canaries and miners. Both species can sense danger sooner than humans because they are much … read more


Ismail Fahmi Lubis
Indonesia 2020 | 91 min
Thu, 13-May-21 02:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Ismail Fahmi Lubis, Nick Calpakdjian
A busy train­ing center for domes­tic work­ers in Indra­mayu, West Java. Like mil­lions of Indone­sian rural women, Sukma, Meri, Muji and Tari dream of a better life and find­ing hap­pi­ness … read more


Mladen Kovačević
Belgium, France, Germany, Qatar, Serbia 2020 | 94 min
Sat, 08-May-21 06:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Mladen Kovačević
Even though China does not cel­e­brate Christ­mas, there are over 600 Christ­mas-dec­o­ra­tion fac­to­ries in Yiwu, China. They are often run as a family busi­ness and man­u­fac­ture year round, employ­ing people … read more


Tali Yankelevich
Brazil, Denmark 2019 | 80 min
Sat, 08-May-21 09:30 PM
On demand: May 6-16th 2021
Q&A via Zoom with:
Tali Yankelevich
Work­ing to the rhythm of the aisles of a banal super­mar­ket, the employ­ees seem seized by the repet­i­tive tasks and their rou­tine. There is the team from the bakery sec­tion … read more


Karim Sayad
82 min
Sun, 09-May-21 09:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Karim Sayad
Fahed wants to change his life. It’s been almost twenty years that he left Alge­ria. At the time he was full of hope when he arrived at the British sea­port … read more


Daniel Kötter
Germany 2020 | 79 min
Wed, 12-May-21 08:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Daniel Kötter
Like many African metrop­o­lis­es, the Ethiopi­an cap­i­tal Addis Ababa is grow­ing rapid­ly. The Oromo farm­ers in the sur­round­ing area call it Fin­finnee, and a part of the Great Rift Valley … read more


Amir Borenstein, Effi Weiss
Fri, 07-May-21 09:30 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Amir Borenstein, Effi Weiss
Fünf Jahre lang kämpft die Bürg­erini­tia­tive DoucheFLUX dafür, ein Gebäude zu finden, zu finanzieren und zu sanieren, wo die am meis­ten Benachteiligten der Stadt sich duschen und wo sie ärztliche … read more


Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
70 min
Thu, 13-May-21 06:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via zoom with:
Ra'anan Alexandrowicz

In a lab­o­ra­to­ry-like setup, The View­ing Booth recounts a unique encounter between a film­mak­er and a viewer. The film explores the way we make mean­ings for non­fic­tion images, and how what we see in such images, is relat­ed to our belief sys­tems. Ra’anan Alexandrow­icz, whose ear­li­er films have exposed dif­fer­ent aspects of the Israeli occu­pa­tion, com­piles online video footage depict­ing the harsh real­i­ty of Pales­tin­ian exis­tence under Israeli mil­i­tary rule. He then shows this footage to Amer­i­can stu­dents and films their reac­tions, focus­ing on one of them, Maia Levy, an enthu­si­as­tic sup­port­er of Israel. Six months later, Alexandrow­icz invites Levy to watch more footage. This time, Maia views edited footage of her­self while she was watch­ing the images of the occu­pa­tion. What is revealed in the process is multi-lay­ered, puz­zling, insight­ful and extends beyond the Israeli-Pales­tin­ian con­flict. Maia’s candid and reflec­tive analy­sis of her pre­vi­ous com­men­tary gives the viewer a stag­ger­ing demon­stra­tion of the idea that seeing is not always believing.

Ra’anan Alexandrow­icz was born in Jerusalem in 1969. He stud­ied film­mak­ing at the Sam Spiegel Film and TV School in Jerusalem and already his final thesis short RAK B’MIKRIM BODEDIM (Self Con­fi­dence Ltd, 1996) received sev­er­al awards. Since MARTIN (1999), the por­trait of a KZ sur­vivor in Dachau, Alexandrow­icz turned to doc­u­men­taries trying to find inno­v­a­tive modes of expres­sion. THE INNER TOUR (2001, Freiburg­er Film­fo­rum 2001) fol­lows a sight-seeing bus tour of a group of Pales­tini­ans through Israel. The film was released during the second Intifa­da and cre­at­ed much con­tro­ver­sy. It was shown at many fes­ti­vals world­wide and cel­e­brat­ed as a rare doc­u­ment of the con­flict between Israel and Pales­tine. In 2003 fol­lowed the fea­ture film JAMESJOURNEY TO JERUSALEM about an African pil­grim. Alexandrow­icz became a polit­i­cal activist and set out to explore the exis­tence of a par­al­lel legal system that applied to Pales­tini­ans under the occu­pa­tion. THE LAW IN THESE PARTS (2011) won sev­er­al awards a. o. the Grand Jury Prize at Sun­dance. The film had a broad ecu­ca­tion­al turnout and from his expe­ri­ences with the audi­ence, the film­mak­er pub­lished „50 Years of Doc­u­men­ta­tion“, an analy­sis of the nature of polit­i­cal doc­u­men­tary film. Sev­er­al times he worked as an edit­ing advi­sor for the Sun­dance Doc­u­men­tary Fund.

Direc­tor: Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Zach­ery Reese
Edit­ing: Neta Dvorkis, R. Alexandrowicz
Sound­de­sign: Rotem Dror
Pro­duc­tion: R. Alex­anandrow­icz, Liran Atzmor
Con­tact: R. Alexandrow­icz



Sandra Beerends
Netherlands 2019 | 78 min
Thu, 13-May-21 09:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Sandra Beerends
“Mama, I miss you so much,” begins a letter Alima writes to her mother. She is one of count­less Indone­sian women work­ing as a “babu,” or nanny, for a Dutch … read more


Claudio Carbone
Portugal 2019 | 76 min
Sun, 16-May-21 08:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Bruno Cabral, Claudio Carbone
Out of five mil­lion Costa Ricans, just over 100,000 belong to the coun­try’s eight indige­nous groups. Under a 1977 law, 24 areas of the coun­try are pro­tect­ed as indige­nous ter­ri­to­ries. … read more


Ariane Lorrain, Shahab Mihandoust
Canada 2018 | 58 min
Sat, 15-May-21 09:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Ariane Lorrain, Shahab Mihandoust
This film describes the cre­ation of a work of art in all its amaz­ing indi­vid­ual steps. We are in the west­ern moun­tains of Iran, the land of the Bakhtiaris. Wool … read more