Bezness as Usual
Netherlands 2016 | 93 Min. | OmeU

The protagonist of this warm and moving film by Marco De Stefanis is Doctor Sami, who works in the only zoo on the Westbank. The undaunted veterinarian dreams of bringing in two giraffes to replace one that died during the Israeli fire. The doctor’s plans, however, encounter unexpected difficulties because the zoo in Qalqilya is too small and importing animals from another zoo would be possible only after joining the prestigious European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. While the findings of the foreign guests are not very encouraging, Dr. Sami will move heaven and earth to make his dreams come true.
De Stefanis obliquely implies much of Palestine’s reality, where, naturally, even a zoo bears a political dimension. Only Dr. Sami’s fruitful co-operation with his colleagues from Jerusalem engenders hope that not all has been lost. (Watch Docs, Warsaw)
Marco de Stefanis geb. 1971 in Rom, lebt seit 2001 in den Niederlanden, wo er am Binger Film Instituut studierte. Seit 2008 arbeitet er u.a. für Amnesty International, Unicef und Greenpeace. Seine Filme wurden auf internationalen Festivals gezeigt und ausgezeichnet. Filme u.a. DAMNED CHILDREN! (2010, short doc), TULIP TIME (2007, doc), LIEVE MONSTER (2006, short doc), BLEACHERS OF WAR (2004, doc).