Current Films

Bezness as Usual

Karim Alexander Pitstra
Netherlands 2016 | 93 Min. | OmeU
“I had no idea what to expect. Maybe my father was a member of the Tal­iban, living in a mud hut, deep in the desert, sur­round­ed by goats.” When he … read more

City of the Sun
(Mzis Qalaqi)

Rati Oneli
Netherlands, Qatar, USA 2015 | 104 Min. | OmeU
The title of this film seems to have an ironic under­tone, because the sun is no longer shin­ing on Chiatu­ra, a town in west­ern Geor­gia, where 50% of the world’s … read more

Plaza de la Soledad

Maya Goded
Mexico 2016 | 84 Min. | OmeU
In the evening, people flock to the small square with a foun­tain in the middle in La Merced, the red-light dis­trict of Mexico City. They are women between 50 and … read more

The Rock

Hamid Jafari
Iran 2015 | 25 Min.

Swathed from head to toe in black, a woman is break­ing stones out of a rock wall using a crow­bar and her bare hands. For sev­er­al min­utes we watch her prying, push­ing, bash­ing, awk­ward­ly wrestling in her flap­ping robes, until the block she is after final­ly comes crash­ing down, right next to the lens of the low camera and her bare feet. (…) In a stone cave dwelling they built them­selves, she tends to her elder­ly hus­band before return­ing the next day to the never-ending work. Her daily rou­tine resem­bles the tor­ment of Sisy­phus – a dusty chore she is doomed to repeat for­ev­er. The stony, red­dish moon­like land­scape of south­ern Iran and the tra­di­tion­al way of life lend an almost bib­li­cal atmos­phere to this serene, aes­thet­i­cal­ly filmed visual poem. (idfa)

Hamid Jafari geb. 1971 in Iran, studierte Film an der Sooreh Uni­ver­si­ty, Teheran, seit den frühen 1990er Jahren entste­hen vor allem doku­men­tarische Arbeit­en. THUS SPOKE THE YEOMAN (2012) wurde beim Apri­cot Tree Ethno Film Fes­ti­val in Arme­nien mit dem Union of Cin­e­matog­ra­phers of Arme­nia Award aus­geze­ich­net. THE ROCK wurde Bester Kurz­doku­men­tarfilm, Cinéma Vérité IFF Teheran.

Waiting for Giraffes

Marco de Stefanis
Belgium, Netherlands 2016 | 84 Min. | OmeU
The pro­tag­o­nist of this warm and moving film by Marco De Ste­fa­nis is Doctor Sami, who works in the only zoo on the West­bank. The undaunt­ed vet­eri­nar­i­an dreams of bring­ing … read more

Women in Sink

Iris Zaki
Great Britain, Israel 2015 | 36 Min. | OmeU
WOMEN IN SINK tells the story of a little hair salon in the heart of the Chris­t­ian Arab com­mu­ni­ty in Haifa, where direc­tor Iris Zaki goes to work as a … read more