In the Devil’s Garden

Algeria, Switzerland 2018 | 25 Min | engl. subtitled

Tue, 28-May-19 04:30 PM
» Trailer

The film sit­u­ates the viewer within the makeshift space of an animal market in Alge­ria. Drift­ing between feed­ing and wait­ing, one attunes to the bodies of goats and camels, two of the oldest com­pan­ions of people living in the Maghreb. As we move deeper into the desert, the site turns into a sac­ri­fice zone and reveals its dark geopo­lit­i­cal secrets: the sit­u­a­tion of Sahrawi refugees in the par­tial­ly recog­nised Sahrawi Arab Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic (SADR).
This sen­so­ry ethnog­ra­phy film encour­ages to ques­tion the banal­i­ty of dis­place­ment, con­fine­ment and exploita­tion in an out-of-sight territory.