Lucia Barrenetxea Lopez
Spain 2022 | 27 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 20-May-23 09:45 PM
Q&A via Zoom with:
Lucia Barrenetxea Lopez

A red-clothed altar appears on the streets of Grana­da. Slowly, the feet of the people beneath it emerge; a group of women that seems like its own organ­ism. In the neigh­bour­ing houses, young men pre­pare to dance and cel­e­brate their tra­di­tion­al dance, the Fla­men­co. We follow the move­able altar’s path, as it gar­ners pro­found atten­tion from the onlook­ers and sym­bol­izes people’s mourn­ing.  

DUENDE takes us to the immer­sive moments of one of the most spec­tac­u­lar and intense ritual cel­e­bra­tions in Grana­da, Spain: Easter Week. A rhyth­mic, sen­so­ry film about an unusu­al parade that con­nects life and death and a com­mu­ni­ty whose faith touch­es deeply.