The other Europe

Other Europe

Rossella Schillaci
Italy 2011 | 75 Min. | OmeU
What hap­pens to African immi­grants in Europe when they are grant­ed polit­i­cal refugee status? In Turin, Italy, an aban­doned clinic has been squat­ted by more than 200 Somali and Sudanese … read more

Special Flight
(Vol spécial)

Fernand Melgar
Switzerland 2011 | 103 Min. | OmU
They have been living in Switzer­land for many years. They have start­ed fam­i­lies. Their kids are in school. Then one day, they are taken into cus­tody, with­out a trial, with­out … read more

The World is Like That

Fernand Melgar
Switzerland 2013 | 61 Min. | OmU
THE WORLD IS LIKE THAT explores the des­tiny of five of the pro­tag­o­nists in the film SPECIAL FLIGHT after being deport­ed from Switzer­land. Being paper­less migrants, they were uproot­ed from … read more