The Nuba of Sudan


Arthur Howes
Great Britain 1989 | 53 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

Kafi, a young man from the Nuba Moun­tains in Sudan, trav­els north to Khar­toum with the inten­tion of find­ing a job so he can buy a wed­ding dress for his second wife Tete. For the length of time he is away from home, he con­fides his feel­ings and impres­sions to a small tape which he car­ries with him. The mono­logue which nar­rates the film allows the spec­ta­tor to come very close to the inner world of this young Sudanese man, to share with him his wor­ries and pre­oc­cu­pa­tions and to hear the story of his double mar­riage. The back­ground for this mono­logue are the moun­tains and vil­lages of the Sudan during the time of the impend­ing civil war. 


Arthur Howes
Great Britain 1999 | 53 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
Ten years after he made Kafi’s Story, direc­tor Arthur Howes returns to the Sudan to find the mem­bers of the Nuba tribe who fea­tured in his ear­li­er doc­u­men­tary film . … read more
The Nuba moun­tains are a scat­ter of gran­ite out­crops jut­ting abrupt­ly out of the plain in the cen­tral Sudanese region of South Kord­o­fan. With the wide low­lands between them, they … read more