students' platform

Unusu­al per­spec­tives and per­son­al approach­es to their topics and pro­tag­o­nists char­ac­ter­ize the pro­gram of the STUDENTS’ PLATFORM, which com­ple­ments the fes­ti­val with a diverse selec­tion of inter­na­tion­al debut films and final works of film, visual anthro­pol­o­gy and media schools.  Curat­ed from more than three hun­dred sub­mis­sions from across the globe, this sec­tion show­cas­es a multi-faceted selec­tion of 16 debut and stu­dent films of all lengths, shot in 14 countries. The pro­gram is accom­pa­nied by a rich work­shop pro­gram on cur­rent debates in doc­u­men­tary-film­mak­ing and visual anthro­pol­o­gy, which is con­duct­ed in coop­er­a­tion with a stu­dent ini­tia­tive of a visual anthro­pol­o­gy work­ing group of the anthro­pol­o­gy depart­ment, Uni­ver­si­ty Freiburg. There is no com­pe­ti­tion in the stu­dents’ plat­form. Instead we aim to pro­vide a plat­form for upris­ing film­mak­ers to tell sto­ries, raise voices and net­work with fellow emerg­ing and estab­lished film­mak­ers alike. 


Jannes Callens
Belgium, Romania 2022 | 52 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 04:30 PM
Q&A with:
Jannes Callens, Sven Aerts
DOR (LONGING) enables us to share moments of encounter between some very ground­ed char­ac­ters, a group of young shep­herds in Roma­nia– and a person in a moment of being in … read more


Lucia Barrenetxea Lopez
Spain 2022 | 27 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 20-May-23 09:45 PM
Q&A via Zoom with:
Lucia Barrenetxea Lopez
A red-clothed altar appears on the streets of Grana­da. Slowly, the feet of the people beneath it emerge; a group of women that seems like its own organ­ism. In the … read more


Humad Nisar
Germany, Iceland, Pakistan, Poland, USA 2022 | 41 Min. | engl. subtitled

Mon, 15-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Humad Nisar
The topic of “home” goes beyond the four walls of the house­hold. For queer people, it is often a com­plex enigma. In an effort to decolonise nar­ra­tive film­mak­ing, direc­tor Humad … read more


Orkan Bayram
Germany, Iraq 2021 | 28 Min. | engl. subtitled

Fri, 19-May-23 02:00 PM
Q&A with:
Orkan Bayram
Aram and Mihemed are two teenage broth­ers who strug­gle to earn a living for the family by  col­lect­ing recy­cling paper. Their father lost a leg in a ter­ror­ist attack while … read more


Simon Rittmeier
Germany, Rwanda 2022 | 13 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 21-May-23 02:30 PM
Filmgespräch mit:
Simon Rittmeier
- “I can only describe it from what I’ve seen on tele­vi­sion. A huge pointy ele­ment that pierced the ground. And the earth around it… [makes ges­tures] fell every­where. Dis­turb­ing … read more


Simon Rittmeier
Germany, Rwanda 2022 | 13 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 20-May-23 09:45 PM
Q&A with:
Simon Rittmeier
- “I can only describe it from what I’ve seen on tele­vi­sion. A huge pointy ele­ment that pierced the ground. And the earth around it… [makes ges­tures] fell every­where. Dis­turb­ing … read more


Pietro Francesco Pingitore
Italy 2022 | 27 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 14-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A with:
Pietro Pingitore
A wild life rescue treats boar and deer at the edge of a nat­ur­al reserve along­side the Treb­bia river, north­ern italy. Hunters pro­tect the non-human life in an area of … read more


Adam Paaske
Denmark 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled

Wed, 17-May-23 04:30 PM
Q&A with:
Adam Paaske
An ethno­graph­ic comedy show­ing people at leisure in the set­ting of the ‘som­mer­hus’, a sort of summer res­i­dence pop­u­lar in Den­mark. Among the cast: a teenage girl who treads water … read more

(Achshav at ahat mishelanu)

Maya Steinberg
Germany, Israel 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 20-May-23 09:45 PM
Q&A via zoom with:
Maya Steinberg
ONE OF US NOW is a film by and with Maya Stein­berg. Being her­self a sec­u­lar and fem­i­nist Israeli, Maya’s lifestyle devi­ates a lot from the one of her father, … read more

(او؛ خودش)

Navid Ghadimi
Germany, Iran 2022 | 41 Min. | engl. subtitled

Fri, 19-May-23 10:00 AM
Q&A with:
Navid Ghadimi, Susan
Susan, a young Iran­ian woman in Berlin, lives not too much accord­ing to the expec­ta­tions of the regime. Fol­low­ing close­ly the nuanced rit­u­als and prac­tices of her every­day life, Navid … read more


Sujay Iyer
Hungary 2022 | 13 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 14-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A with:
Sujay Lyer
In Hun­gary, people used to co-exist with wolves. But the envi­ron­men­tal and polit­i­cal atmos­phere drove them out of their ter­ri­to­ries for nearly 100 years. In the last decade, they have … read more


Iman Behrouzi
Germany 2021 | 13 Min. | engl. subtitled

Mon, 15-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Iman Behrouzi
Two sets of cir­cum­stances bound 367 stu­dents to their 25-storey uni­ver­si­ty dorm rooms in Ger­many. The first being the lock­down from the world­wide COVID crisis. And the second, the ren­o­va­tions … read more


Brenda Akele Jorde
Germany, Mozambique, South Africa 2022 | 89 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sat, 13-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A via Zoom with:
Brenda Akele Jorde

THE HOMES WE CARRY por­trays a family torn apart by the tur­moil of world his­to­ry between Ger­many, Mozam­bique and South Africa. At the centre is Sarah, a young Afro-German mother. She wants her daugh­ter to have the rela­tion­ships she lacked as a child. There­fore, she trav­els with her to Africa, where her father and the child’s father are wait­ing for them. But meet­ing Lua­na’s father, who sud­den­ly has to grow up when Sarah shows up at the door with his daugh­ter, presents them with sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenges.  

Mean­while, Sarah’s father, Eulidio, recalls the Mozam­bi­can con­tract work­ers’ almost for­got­ten and unjust his­to­ry in the former GDR. In his nos­tal­gic day­dreams, he returns to the ori­gins of his Euro­pean family and their sudden sep­a­ra­tion - a fate he shares with many other German-Mozam­bi­can fam­i­lies. 


Fit­ting in and family are often not as syn­ony­mous as they should be. Espe­cial­ly when putting the two in sync means tra­vers­ing dif­fer­ent time­lines, dif­fer­ent eco­nom­ic and racial real­i­ties. This is in addi­tion to cov­er­ing the geo­graph­ic areas of Ger­many, Mozam­bique and South Africa. For Sarah, a young Afro-German mother, these dif­fi­cul­ties must be over­come for the sake of giving her daugh­ter a fight­ing chance to belong to a family she fits into. How­ev­er, begin­ning this process by trav­el­ing with her daugh­ter to Africa, shows Sarah the true nature of the chal­lenges. Start­ing with her daughter’s father in Mozam­bique still trying to mature and her father in South Africa still trapped in the nos­tal­gia of the unjust his­to­ry of Mozam­bi­can Con­tract work­ers in the former German Demo­c­ra­t­ic Republic(GDR).  

As an obser­va­tion­al doc­u­men­tary, Brenda Akele Jorde skill­ful­ly shows the com­pli­ca­tion, the dif­fi­cul­ty and the injus­tice that can per­vade lives gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tion. With the lens of her camera, she shows how nuanced it can be to grap­ple with issues of account­abil­i­ty, respon­si­bil­i­ty, belong­ing and most impor­tant­ly family.  

(Ulan Garba Matta, stu­dents’ plat­form) 

(سه خواهر)

Iman Behrouzi
Iran 2022 | 12 Min. | engl. subtitled

Fri, 19-May-23 10:00 AM
Q&A with:
Iman Behrouzi
A med­i­ta­tive sym­pho­ny on the city and death. The film­mak­er returns to places where he, 18 years ear­li­er, had made a film about sui­cide. How does a phys­i­cal place change … read more

(Drei Frauen)

Maksym Melnyk
Germany, Ukraine 2022 | 84 Min. | engl. subtitled

Fri, 19-May-23 07:45 PM
Q&A with:
Maksym Melnyk
The film tells the sto­ries of three women: the farmer Hanna, the post­woman Maria and the biol­o­gist Nelya. Among the Ukrain­ian Carpathi­ans the three women have to cope with hard … read more


Yu Wang
China, France 2022 | 21 Min. | engl. subtitled

Mon, 15-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Yu Wang
Three rooms in a narrow labyrinthine apart­ment next to Mar­seille St Charles train sta­tion that belong to a Chi­nese family: Yuan, her broth­er Bin and their father. The two sib­lings … read more


Fabiana Fragale
Germany, Italy 2022 | 23 Min. | engl. subtitled

Sun, 14-May-23 10:00 PM
Q&A with:
Fabiana Fragale
In WITH MY THOUGHTS ON THE SEA we follow Nedo, one of the last inde­pen­dent fish­er­men of Piom­bi­no, Italy. While more and more fish­er­men in the area are eco­nom­i­cal­ly forced … read more