Latino Cinema in den USA


Isaac Artenstein
USA 1984 | 27 Min. | BetaSP, OF
Pedro J. Gon­za­lez’ story, sym­bol­ic of the his­to­ry of people of Mex­i­can descent in the United States, begins in 1910 during the Mex­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion against the dic­ta­tor Por­firio Diaz. Pedro, … read more


Frances Negrón Muntaner
USA 1994 | 55 Min. | 16 mm, OF
An exper­i­men­tal fea­ture film on con­tem­po­rary Puerto Rican iden­ti­ties. In a mix of fic­tion, archival footage, inter­views and soap opera drama, the film tells the story of Clau­dia Marin, a … read more


Denise Richards
USA 1996 | 30 Min. | OF, Umatic
CALAVERAS is a doc­u­men­tary on the altars that are built to remem­ber and honor the deceased on Novem­ber 1, known as ‚Dia de los Muer­tos’ (the Day of the Dead). … read more


Les Blank
USA 1976 | 58 Min. | 16 mm, OF
The music of the Rio Grande-Valley - some call it Con­jun­to others Tex-Mex or Música Norteña – is a strong ener­getic music, based pri­mar­i­ly on the accor­dion and the dri­ving … read more


Laura Angélica Simón
USA 1997 | 53 Min. | 35 mm, OF
Bill 187 of the Amer­i­can State of Cal­i­for­nia states that chil­dren of »ille­gal aliens« have no right to edu­ca­tion and health ben­e­fits. Film­mak­er Laura Angéli­ca Simón works as an immi­grant … read more


Lauren Ivy Chiong
USA 1997 | 23 Min. | 16 mm, OF
A tor­tilla sea­soned with a dash of magic real­ism, sprin­kled with hope, and baked on faith for twenty-three min­utes. The result: Lauren Ivy Chiong’s short film Holy Tor­tilla. A cel­e­bra­tion … read more


Frances Negrón Muntaner
USA 1996 | 47 Min. | OF, Video
HOMELESS DIARIES is a video jour­ney into Tent City, a camp built by home­less orga­niz­ers and home­less people from Puerto Rico on an empty Philadel­phia lot in 1995. Negrón-Muntan­er inter­weaves … read more


Michael van Wagenen, Monica Delgad
USA 1995 | 27 Min. | 16 mm, OF

In Texan com­mu­ni­ties along the Rio Grande River, there is a vibrant mix­ture of Span­ish Catholi­cisim and Indian mys­ti­cisim. For hun­dreds of years var­i­ous saints and reli­gious fig­ures have made their appear­ances to a recep­tive public. This film takes a respect­ful look at the cur­rent man­i­fes­ta­tions of these sym­bols of faith and the people who hold them dear. The film­mak­ers, one of whom is of Mex­i­can descent, set out for the border to wit­ness these phe­nom­e­na for them­selves. Pauli­ta Rivera dis­cov­ered the face of Jesus in a tor­tilla she had made. Soon the tor­tilla was encased in plas­tic and revered for its heal­ing qual­i­ties. Anoth­er Texas town boasts the Shrine of Saint Camaro where a reli­gious sil­hou­ette sud­den­ly appeared on a Chevro­let. Believ­ers gather there every day to pray for mir­a­cles. In Brownsville stands the Madon­na Tree whose bark dis­plays an image of the Virgin. People believe she cures their ali­ments. In these border towns there is an abid­ing faith in spir­i­tu­al forces just as their Indian ances­tors saw divin­i­ty in their daily surroundings.

MUNDO MILAGROSO forms part of a doc­u­men­tary series on con­tem­po­rary Mex­i­can-Amer­i­can cul­ture. »El alma del pueblo« – The soul of the people. The series grew out of the life’s expe­ri­ence of the project pro­duc­er and direc­tor, Monica Del­ga­do. The great-grand­daugh­ter of immi­grants from Mexico, Del­ga­do was raised in a hybrid cul­ture that com­bined ele­ments of Native Amer­i­can, Mex­i­can and Anglo-Amer­i­can cul­tures. Grow­ing up in a pre­dom­i­nant­ly Latino com­mu­ni­ty in California’s Sali­nas Valley, Del­ga­do saw only few rep­re­sen­ta­tions of her cul­ture in the media. Of those images she saw on tele­vi­sion or in the movies, few seemed to be accu­rate and most came from the point of view of people out­side the cul­ture. As a result, Del­ga­do began research­ing the his­to­ry and cul­ture of her own family to try to under­stand the Mex­i­can-Amer­i­can expe­ri­ence for her­self. What she found was not the stereo­types on tele­vi­sion, but rather a vibrant cul­ture deeply tied to both the his­to­ry of Mexico and the United States. 

The expe­ri­ence inspired Del­ga­do to combat the under­rep­re­sen­ta­tion and stereo­typ­ing of Mex­i­can-Amer­i­cans in the media by doc­u­ment­ing her own cul­ture in film.


Robert Boonzajer Flaes
Netherlands 1986 | 50 Min. | OmeU, Umatic
Polkas are played in many coun­tries all over the world and the dia­ton­ic accordeon is its clas­si­cal instru­ment. Where does this music come from and how did it change during … read more


Ramón Menéndez
USA 1988 | 104 Min. | 35 mm, OF
The drama­ti­za­tion of the life of an extreme­ly demand­ing maths teacher at an East LA school in a Chi­cano neigh­bour­hood: Thanks to his sever­i­ty the pupils pass the exams and … read more


Robert M. Young
USA 1983 | 99 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
The life of Gre­go­rio Cortez, in the first years of the 20th cen­tu­ry in Texas, which has become legend through innu­mer­ous songs and writ­ings is recount­ed in a mix­ture of … read more

US-Mexican War 1846 -1848

Part 1

Ginny Martin
USA 1998 | 60 Min. | Betacam
While most Mex­i­cans are aware of the war, most Amer­i­cans know little, if noth­ing, about it. The out­come changed the des­tiny of both coun­tries. After 16 months of fierce fight­ing, … read more