India 2003 | 43 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

What does ”being a man” mean in present-day India? A fast growing nation that changes its appearance daily and challenges its people to meet their ends. Here, survival means: to adapt, to pull through and to fight for one’s identity. Majma takes a blunt look at how the perception of maleness has changed in Indian society and impressively highlights the lives of two Indian men whose attempts to comply with their perception of manliness could not be more different: The first world describes a wrestling master with a traditional conception of the male life and does not only fulfil the attributes related to his notion but also considers them to be necessary and correct. In the other world the audience meets a somewhat melancholic character: a man in his mid-thirties who earns a living by ”selling” his knowledge about male sexuality on the market. Two stories about the present-day male Indian and thus two conceptions: one of tradition and one of confrontation.