All of me
Mexico | OmeU

Women cook huge amounts of rice in large pots, carefully handpicking beans to serve with it while meticulously wrapping the food in little packages. These women, Las Patronas, are getting ready to swing into full action when the train, La Bestia (the Beast), which is expected in a few minutes, comes thundering through the small village of La Patrona in central Mexico. With perfect aim, the women throw their packages of food and water bottles up to the illegal migrants hanging on the roof of the train, picking up any passengers who have fallen off and driving them to the next train station or helping with accidents. Migrants from all over South America risk the journey everyday with this freight train, which runs from South America to the borders of the US.
Since 1995, this self-organized group of women have devoted their lives to helping other people follow their dream of happiness. Thanks to donations from sympathizers, small businesses, and private donors, they have not yet missed a single day on the tracks and have supported thousands of migrants. The film looks at these women’s lives, their motivations, and their dreams, telling a sensitive story about unconditional solidarity. Las Patronas received the Mexican Human Rights Award in 2013 for their more than twenty years of tireless effort.