Film Forum Special

A LUCY – To Lucy

Radha-Rajen Jaganathen
France 1992 | 11 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
One night at Maasai Mara, Kenya, a young war­rior was dream­ing of a woman born in Africa three mil­lion years ago. In his dream she asked him to look for … read more


Frances Calvert
Germany 1997 | 57 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
»Back then, the white man came, saw… and collected«. A cen­tu­ry ago the Torres Strait Islands in far north Aus­tralia were the famous sub­jects of the Cam­bridge Anthro­po­log­i­cal Expe­di­tion; yet … read more


Sebastian Eschenbach
Great Britain 1995 | 25 Min. | OmU, S-VHS
Robert Fla­her­ty’ film MAN OF ARAN (1934) is among the first ethno­graph­ic doc­u­men­taries. LOOKING FOR THE MAN OF ARAN inves­ti­gates how the Aran Islanders deal with Flaherty’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion of them­selves. … read more


Robert Flaherty
Great Britain 1932-34 | 76 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
© Robert J. Flaherty

The film is a fas­ci­nat­ing doc­u­ment of the former fishermen’s and farm­ers’ life on the isle of Aran, near the west coast of Ire­land. »MAN OF ARAN was the first film Robert Fla­her­ty made after sound came in. The people speak, you hear their voices; but it does not matter whether or not you under­stand what they say, for, as in his ear­li­er films, it is not what you hear but what you see; it is still the camera, it is still life expressed through motion…Robert Fla­her­ty loved people who could be so much them­selves, with such spirit. For this was cinema. And his love made them a little more them­selves, a little bigger than life­size. Those three men in that cur­ragh riding the storm became char­ac­ters out of one of their own heroic leg­ends, a saga o them­selves. And that is poetry.« (Frances Fla­her­ty, ‘Intro­duc­ing Man of Aran’)