Current Films


David MacDougall
India 2008 | 185 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU
The Prayas Children’s Home for Boys: a mono­lith­ic build­ing, out­ward­ly not unlike a prison, locat­ed in one of New Delhi’s poorer neigh­bor­hoods. The insti­tu­tion pro­vides shel­ter to 350 boys. Some … read more


Marianne Chaud
France 2008 | 62 Min. | DVD, OmeU
Kenrap is eight years old. He is a Bud­dhist monk and lives in the Phuk­thal monastery on the peaks of the Himalayan moun­tains of Zan­skar. Kenrap chose his life away … read more


Nouri Bouzid
France, Germany, Morocco, Tunisia 2006 | 120 Min. | 35 mm, OmU
The young Tunisian, Bahta (Lotfi Abdel­li), has dreams of becom­ing a famous break-dancer. But break­danc­ing is frowned upon in Tunisia, and the police fre­quent­ly harass the dancers. He has no … read more


A disappearance foretold

Olivier Meys
Belgium, France 2008 | 86 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
“Qian­men” is a pop­u­lar neigh­bour­hood in the very heart of Bei­jing, just south of the Tianan­men Square. In the per­spec­tive of the 2008 Olympic Games, the city decid­ed that the … read more


Niko Apel
Germany, Iran 2007 | 54 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU
“So why don’t you find your­self a hus­band then?“ asks Sonbol’s mother. The daugh­ter responds with silence. Sonbol Fatemi is 35 years old. She is single. She has her own … read more


Judith MacDougall
Australia, China 2007 | 59 Min. | miniDV, OmeU
This bril­liant observed doc­u­men­tary, by renowned ethno­graph­ic film­mak­er Judith Mac­Dougall, explores the dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion in China, where pho­tog­ra­phy is known as the ” art of regret”. In the rapid­ly chang­ing … read more


Belgium, Morocco 2008 | 71 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU

For­mer­ly known as Mogador, Essaouira was the first sar­dine fish­ing port in the world. Today the fish have left its waters. Thou­sands of small Moroc­can fish­er­men from Essaouira, Safi, and Agadir have been forced to make their way fur­ther south to Dakhla, where the West­ern Sahara meets the Atlantic, in hopes of catch­ing more fish. But it’s a strug­gle there as well: All around, trawlers from for­eign coun­tries drag the waters with huge nets, con­tribut­ing to the destruc­tion of an entire ecosys­tem. Forced to com­pete with these mas­sive fish­ing boats, the local fish­er­man often return home with nothing.

Jawad Rhalib strives to present both sides of the story. The direc­tor shows the con­se­quences of the meager catch on those who call Dakhla home: dwin­dling prof­its among local busi­ness owners and increas­ing pover­ty in gen­er­al. Yet THE DAMNED OF THE SEA also climbs aboard a Swedish fish­ing boat, illus­trat­ing how the cap­tain and his crew must bring in high-yield catch­es if they wish to com­pete in the price wars of the Euro­pean fish­ing industry.

VALI ASR – July 2006

Norman Richter
Germany, Iran 2006 | 14 Min. | 35 mm
An elder­ly woman / a fan; a young man / a book; a lady / a neck­lace… Twelve people and sev­er­al objects filmed along Vali Asr, Teheran’s longest and oldest … read more


Renaud Barret
Dem. Rep. Kongo, France 2008 | 80 Min. | DigiBeta, OmeU
The film por­trays a group of extra­or­di­nary women who choose boxing as a way of get­ting ahead in an African cap­i­tal caught in the tur­moil of its first demo­c­ra­t­ic elec­tions. … read more