Current Films

A Few Crumbs for the Birds

Nassim Amaouche
France, Jordan 2005 | 28 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
Ruwayshed is the last vil­lage in Jordan before the Iraqi border. It’s no man’s land. This short doc­u­men­tary gives an insight into the lives of a few people who live … read more


Merzak Allouache
Algeria, France 2005 | 115 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU
Kamel and his broth­er Bouzid live in Bab El Oued, a work­ing class neigh­bor­hood of Algiers. Kamel is a dis­il­lu­sioned, brood­ing loner. The more jovial Bouzid, played by Rai singer … read more


Afsar Sonia Shafie
Iran, Switzerland 2006 | 87 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
Swiss-based Iran­ian film­mak­er Afsar Sonia returns to her home in Teheran. In an inti­mate tone, she tells her grand­moth­er’s, moth­er’s, sis­ters’ and her own story. The doc­u­men­tary shows how women … read more


Vaughan Pilikian
Great Britain, India 2005 | ^10 | BetaSP
There is a place on the coast of north­ern India where ships come to die. This film opens a window on this strange, dis­turb­ing and hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry world, where men and … read more


Ulrike Franke
Germany 2006 | 96 Min. | DF
“Achim, you must put your shoes on and you must go to the fac­to­ry”, Rainer shouts down the phone. Because once again the Chi­nese are doing just as they please … read more

On the Rumba River

Jacques Sarasin
Congo, France 2006 | 85 Min. | DVD, OmeU
Harassed by his wife to leave the shade of his tree and look for new con­tracts, Papa Wendo decides to get in touch with his old bud­dies again. He brings … read more


Pelin Esmer
Turkey 2005 | 70 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

Nine women from a Turk­ish vil­lage in the Taurus Moun­tains tell about their lives. About fathers who would have pre­ferred a son and who object to a higher edu­ca­tion for their daugh­ters; about moth­ers who have to juggle work in the fields, house­hold duties and par­ent­ing and whose hus­bands commit adul­tery. The women tell about forced mar­riages and attempts to escape; about unwrit­ten laws that so far no gen­er­a­tion has had power to break. “I wish it was a lie, but it’s all true”, one of the women sums up the sto­ries. In order to break the silence these women get togeth­er and write a piece of drama, “The Wom­en’s Outcry”, based on their life expe­ri­ences. They rehearse under the con­duct of the local school direc­tor and work long nights under the curi­ous gazes of the vil­lage men. In the course of the rehearsals the women devel­op a grow­ing charis­ma and self-con­fi­dence. Nev­er­the­less, there are dis­putes and the pre­miere in the vil­lage seems doomed to fail. In a per­cep­tive and unob­tru­sive way, Istan­bul-born direc­tor Pelin Esmer (*1972) accom­pa­nies the troup of ama­teur actress­es on their path to the play’s pre­miere in the village.