Racism against Sinti and Roma - Past and Present

Flames of God

Meshakai Wolf
France, Macedonia, USA 2011 | 65 Min.
Lan­guish­ing in pover­ty and obscu­ri­ty, the Roma-Gypsy poet and song­writer Muzafer Bislim is trying his best to raise a family, com­pile a hand-writ­ten dic­tio­nary of a threat­ened lan­guage, write tran­scen­dent … read more

Just the Wind

Bence Fliegauf
Hungary 2012 | 87 Min. | OmeU

News quick­ly spreads of the murder of a Romany family in a Hun­gar­i­an vil­lage. The per­pe­tra­tors have escaped and nobody claims to know who might have com­mit­ted the crime. For anoth­er Romany family living close by, the murder only serves to con­firm their latent, care­ful­ly repressed fears. Far away in Canada the head of the family decides that his wife, chil­dren and their grand­fa­ther must join him as soon as pos­si­ble. Living in fear of the racist terror that sur­rounds them and feel­ing aban­doned by the silent major­i­ty, the family tries to get through the day after the attack. By night­fall, when dark­ness descends on the vil­lage, the family pushes the beds closer togeth­er than usual. Yet their hope of escap­ing the mad­ness proves illu­so­ry. Based on an actual series of killings in Hun­gary that claimed the lives of eight people in less than a year, Bence Flie­gauf por­trays the pogrom-like atmos­phere which breeds such vio­lence. The camera stays hot on the heels of the pro­tag­o­nists, making the breath­less esca­la­tion of events phys­i­cal­ly palpable.

Our School

Miruna Coca-Cozma, Mona Nicoara
Romania, Switzerland, USA 2011 | 94 Min. | OmeU
In 2006, the Roman­ian town of Târgu Lăpuş received fund­ing from the Euro­pean Union to intro­duce inte­grat­ed (deseg­re­gat­ed) school­ing, in other words to found a joint school for Roma and … read more


Philip Scheffner
Germany 2012 | 106 Min.
On June 29, 1992, a farmer in Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern dis­cov­ers two bodies in a grain field. Inves­ti­ga­tions turn out that the dead are Roman­ian cit­i­zens, both Roma refugees. They got shot … read more

Roma Invasion

Ein Film von und mit 35 Roma-Jugendlichen

Germany 2012 | 16 Min.
In late summer of 2012 35 young Roma from refugee homes in Freiburg spent a hol­i­day week on the North Sea island Wangerooge. ROMA INVASION sums up their activ­i­ties: music … read more

Zigeuner sein
(Att vara zigenare)

Peter Nestler
Sweden 1970 | 47 Min.
In the Romani lan­guage, Roma means “people.” This film lends a voice to these people, who tell of how they were arrest­ed and locked up in camps and pris­ons, and … read more