Yu Wang
China, France 2022 | 21 Min. | engl. subtitled

Mon, 15-May-23 07:30 PM
Q&A with:
Yu Wang

Three rooms in a narrow labyrinthine apart­ment next to Mar­seille St Charles train sta­tion that belong to a Chi­nese family: Yuan, her broth­er Bin and their father. The two sib­lings work irreg­u­lar hours in Mar­seille. In the lim­it­ed rest­ing times between their stren­u­ous work, the two sib­lings con­tem­plate about stay­ing in Mar­seille and their long­ing to return to China. In the enclosed spaces of their small apart­ment, Yuan and Bin imag­ine anoth­er life through the dig­i­tal. Is “not so bad” all you can ask for as a migrant living a for­eign coun­try?