Ingrid Kummels, Manfred Schäfer
Germany 1989 | 45 Min. | 16 mm

The film por­trays the sipá’ame (Peyote-quack) Sev­eri­co. The Tarahu­mara or Rará­muri who live in the Sierra Madre Occi­den­tal in North­ern Mexico are used to a very respect­ful rela­tion­ship with the Peyote. Sev­eri­co is one of the few reli­gious experts who know how to com­mu­ni­cate with the Peyote in order to cure sick per­sons. The doc­u­men­ta­tion treats a Peyote-heal­ing , but also goes along with Severico’s role as a med­i­ta­tor between the Indian com­mu­ni­ty and the rich forest indus­try of Chi­huahua. The com­ment touch­es our limits of under­stand­ing in a strange uni­verse of imagination. 

Die Eth­nolo­gen Ingrid Kum­mels und Man­fred Schäfer haben u.a. fol­gende Filme gedreht: Im Grünen Himmel (1989); IM SPIEGEL DES SCHAMANEN (1989); San­tería – Von Men­schen und Heili­gen auf Kuba (1991); Havana Girl Orches­tra – Eine kuban­is­che Fam­i­lienchronik (1991); Der Wet­t­lauf des San Juan (1992); Wüsten­no­maden und Videokids. Die Seri in Mexiko (1995).