Ann McIntosh
USA 2004 | 36 Min. | Video

This inti­mate, reveal­ing film of con­ver­sa­tions between Jean Rouch and a number of film­mak­ers and friends includ­ing John Mar­shall is unlike any past films on Rouch’s life and work. It was shot over a two-year period, 1978-80 by his friend, Ann Mc-Intosh. There are some fas­ci­nat­ing insights as he dis­cuss­es his method­ol­o­gy with stu­dents at Har­vard and Hamp­shire Col­lege in west­ern Mass­a­chu­setts. He also reflects on war and the role he played as an engi­neer in France during World­war II and lighter moments vaca­tion­ing with his wife.