Levente Huszka
Hungary 2022 | 30 Min. | engl. subtitled

Thu, 18-May-23 01:30 PM
Q&A with:
Levente Huszka, Rajat Nayyar (EFC), Rana El Kadi (EFC)

Caused by a dimen­sion anom­aly, mil­lions of people have exchanged places with their alter egos from par­al­lel uni­vers­es. A few years after, the Anom­aly Foun­da­tion was found­ed to inte­grate new­com­ers into soci­ety. In their aware­ness rais­ing cam­paign movie four alter egos were inter­viewed to tell their sto­ries. They con­fess frankly what they have won and what they have lost after being trans­posed to this world. - An enthu­si­as­tic approach to create some­thing solely char­ac­ter-driven: an absur­dis­tic mock­u­men­tary short about our rela­tion to hidden desires and the spec­trum of self-accep­tance. 

Lev­ente Huszka holds an MFA in Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture from Eötvös Loránd Uni­ver­si­ty, Budapest. Cur­rent­ly he works for Gen­er­al Elec­tric as an HR Spe­cial­ist facil­i­tat­ing Induc­tion train­ings, also trans­lat­ing offi­cial com­mu­ni­ca­tion and par­tak­ing in sim­pli­fi­ca­tion projects. He plays at Fórum Tár­su­lat’s Improv The­atre as an ama­teur actor, also work­ing on short film projects at Kultúr Krimó, includ­ing HALLOJARAT (inter­views with artists of the Hun­gar­i­an alter­na­tive music scene).