
Kyaw Myo Lwin
Myanmar 2013 | 30 Min. | OmeU

What makes a tyre a tyre, and what is craft­ed out of the many worn out truck tyres? The film delves into the art of recy­cling tyres in Myanmar’s former cap­i­tal. The dis­man­tling, reorder­ing and trans­for­ma­tion of tyre mate­ri­als into new prod­ucts offers beau­ti­ful insights into the flow of work, the skills of crafts­men and women, socio-mate­r­i­al inter­ac­tions and cre­ativ­i­ty. Cap­tured with a close obser­va­tion­al camera and the aes­thet­ic look of black and white images, the film close­ly fol­lows the daily rhythm of work of tyre recy­clers. Each of them is spe­cial­ized in a cer­tain prod­uct made out of tyres. Kyaw Myo Lwin joined the Yangon Film School in 2007 where he has since worked as sound recordist and editor on sev­er­al films. TYRES was his direc­to­r­i­al debut.

In coop­er­a­tion with Goethe Insti­tut Myan­mar and SEZ – Stiftung Entwick­lungs-Zusam­me­nar­beit Baden-Württemberg