Laura Gabriela Gabay
Cuba, Switzerland 2019 | 20 min
Fri, 14-May-21 10:00 PM
On demand: May 6-16th
Q&A via Zoom with:
Laura Gabriela Gabay

Some­where on the north­ern coast of Cuba, three chil­dren are swim­ming in the ocean, paint­ing seashells and are amused by a sea slug. As they roam through the city, a back­drop of aban­doned and dilap­i­dat­ed houses is revealed. Within these rem­nants of con­crete struc­tures, they find solace in each other´s com­pa­ny as they seek shel­ter from the rain, paint their hair and play hide and seek. They seem to be invis­i­ble to the rest of the world, tucked inside the cracks of the few con­crete pil­lars that still stand. The camera observes them close­ly and reveals their ges­tures and rela­tion­ships. As the sun sets over the ocean, cru­cial ques­tions about the island and its inhab­i­tants arise.

SWEET SALTY WIND weaves a strik­ing child­ish­ly rela­tion­ship with a darker reality.

Direc­tor, script: Laura Gabriela Gabay
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Mathilde Le Masson
Edit­ing: Emmanuel Peña
Sound: Vitor Coroa / Vitor Moraes
Con­tact: lauragabriela.gabay@gmail.com