Donka – The X-Ray of an African Hospital

Thierry Michel
Belgium 1996 | 85 Min. | 35 mm, OmeU

Daily life in the largest public hos­pi­tal in the Repub­lic of Guinea, Donka Hos­pi­tal in Conakry. For six weeks the film­mak­er fol­lows the progress of patients, their fam­i­lies, doc­tors and nurses, from floor to floor. Por­traits alter­nate in a living chron­i­cle between tragedy and hope, and every­one tries to come through »at any cost«. In this hos­pi­tal of last resort, fam­i­lies strive to save a child…a parent. But with­out money, there are no drugs and little chance of sur­vival. The film inves­ti­gates the state of the continent’s hos­pi­tal system, and bears wit­ness to the cry of hope voiced by a few doc­tors, deter­mined to take up the public health chal­lenge in today’s Africa.