Students' Films


Florencia Aliberti
Spain 2017 | 14 Min. | OF
“Am I pretty?” When asked online, this banal ques­tion opens up a loop of found- footage videos uploaded by teenagers all over the world on the inter­net. Though the iden­ti­cal … read more

1 Building & 40 People Dancing

Miki Polonski
Israel 2015 | 48 Min. | OmeU
In the Israeli city of Bat-Yam, at a small square oppo­site the con­cert hall, there is a dete­ri­o­rat­ing public-hous­ing build­ing. Most of the time the square is desert­ed, only a … read more

Cities of Sleep

Shaunak Sen
India 2015 | 74 Min. | OmeU
The film takes us into a heady world of insur­gent sleep­ers’ com­mu­ni­ties as well as the infa­mous ‘sleep mafia’ in Delhi where just secur­ing a safe sleep­ing spot often becomes … read more

Holy God
(Svyatyj Bozhe)

Vladlena Sandu
Russia 2017 | 25 Min. | OmeU
“Self-por­trait. In 1998 our family came under armed attack. We were able to escape and we fled Grozny. We have been silent about it since”. Vladle­na Sandu tells an inci­sive … read more

Home Is Not A Place
(Zuhause Ist Kein Ort)

Clara Trischler
Austria, Germany 2015 | 14 Min. | OmeU
“But there was a choice: my par­ents or my chil­dren.” Through per­son­al film record­ings and nar­rat­ed pieces of memory, the film tells the story of a forced migra­to­ry voyage of … read more

I’m Not Leaving Eldon

Jessica Bollag
Switzerland, USA 2015 | 49 Min. | OmeU
The people in Eldon, Iowa, carry many names, none of them too flat­ter­ing: Red­necks, Hill­bil­lies, White Trash. Still, the strug­gle they share with van­ish­ing jobs in agri­cul­ture and rising social … read more


Florian Fischer, Johannes Krell
Germany 2016 | 12 Min.
KALTES TAL exper­i­ments with dif­fer­ent spaces and the tran­si­tions in between them. Aes­thet­ic and doc­u­men­tary forms are merged to take the viewer into a real but mythic world of a … read more

Letter from Korlai

Aman Wadhan
India 2016 | 22 Min. | OF
In Letter from Korlai, grainy 16mm images and a voice read­ing a fic­tion­al letter unfold a phan­tas­magoric, inde­ter­mi­nate space. The images of the vil­lage of Korlai on India’s Konkan coast … read more


Fernando Mitjáns
Great Britain 2015 | 39 Min. | OmeU
At five in the morn­ing, before any pro­fes­sor or stu­dent enters the build­ing of the well-estab­lished SAOS Uni­ver­si­ty in London, a lot of work needs to be done: Clean­ing toi­lets, … read more

May 9th

Mariia Ponomarova
Netherlands, Ukraine 2015 | 8 Min. | OmeU
“My birth­day is the bright­est day of my life. My birth­day always starts at the ceme­tery”. This is the auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal film about the per­ceiv­ing inter­twin­ing mean­ings of life and death … read more

Rattle Them Bars

Nena Hedrick
USA 2015 | 27 Min. | OmU
Cen­tered on a year of the pro­duc­tion of a rev­o­lu­tion­ary East Texas prison radio show run by ex-con­victs, Rattle Them Bars is an exper­i­men­tal doc­u­men­tary film cre­at­ing a multi-vocal counter-con­ver­sa­tion … read more

Scorched Water
(Atl Tlachinolli)

Alexander Hick
Germany 2015 | 76 Min.

The Axolotl is a fas­ci­nat­ing crea­ture for a number of rea­sons, includ­ing its grotesque appear­ance, its abil­i­ty to regen­er­ate and pri­mar­i­ly the fact that it exhibits the phe­nom­e­non known as neote­ny, mean­ing that it retains char­ac­ters of the larval stage all through its adult life. It lives in the lakes sur­round­ing Mexico City and is believed to be immor­tal. In the film, the Axolotl a.k.a. Mex­i­can walk­ing fish, becomes a metaphor for Mexico City itself, in an essay­is­tic inquiry into sur­vival and adap­ta­tion. Alexan­der Hick: “Begin­ning with a col­lec­tion of impres­sions and quotes about the Axolotl, it´s the film itself that goes through meta­mor­pho­sis: The places, the people, the pro­tag­o­nists, the atmos­phere, every­thing goes through grad­ual change. I am inter­est­ed in doc­u­men­tary film­mak­ing as a process, where the out­come is at first unpre­dictable, unde­fined.‘‘ (Astra Film Festival)

Serious Apparitions

Viktor Brim
Germany, Iran 2015 | 25 Min. | OF
Machines move slowly across the land­scape, smoke stacks grad­u­al­ly change their shape, trains roll smooth­ly through the image. Not much is hap­pen­ing in SERIOUS APPARITIONS and still some­thing is taking … read more

Silver Holiday

Deepti Rao
China, India 2016 | 12 Min. | OmeU
There are many rea­sons to visit the vil­lage of Bama in Guangxi, a region in south-east­ern China. The mag­net­ic fields might take the poison out of your body, the air … read more

Tehran Derby

Simon Ostermann
Germany, Iran 2016 | 20 Min. | OmeU
Red or blue? Estegh­lal and Per­spo­lis are rival­ing foot­ball clubs in Iran. Mil­lions of fans come to Tehran to sup­port their team at the derby. Both sides have their lead … read more

The Lives of Mecca

Steffano Etter
Italy, Switzerland 2015 | 54 Min. | OmeU
“This is ther­a­py. This is the Mecca.” On Coney Island there is a court where a group of men comes togeth­er every single day: Amer­i­can Hand­ball is their sport and … read more

These Objects, Those Memories

Roger Horn
South Africa 2017 | 29 Min. | OmeU
How can you keep your most pre­cious mem­o­ries, when every­thing is left behind? Work­ing in Cape Town, South Africa, three migrant women from Zim­bab­we found a keeper of their past … read more

Who Is Your Grandfather?
(Y yaab la a boê?)

Rikisaburo Sato, Sunjha Kim
Germany 2016 | 24 Min. | OmeU
During an annual Mossi people ritual, which takes place in Ouegue­do in Burk­i­na Faso, sto­ries of the ances­tors are told in drum lan­guage. “Who is your grand­fa­ther?” cries the master … read more