Netsilik Eskimo Film Series

a series of 9 films and 21 half-hour parts sci­en­tif­ic advice by Asen Balik­ci and Guy Mary-Rousselière A series of 9 films in 21 half-hour parts. These films reveal the … read more

Asen Balikci

scientific adviser

Asen Balikci’s impres­sive inter­na­tion­al back­round is mir­rored in the corpus of films that he has pro­duced. Born to a Bul­gar­i­an family living in turkey in 1929 he soon moved to Switzer­land where he stud­ied eco­nom­ics and geog­ra­phy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geneva. Later he moved to Canada and during 1954 to 1961 he worked at the Nation­al Museum in Ottawa. He gained his Ph.D in anthro­pol­o­gy at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty. Later he taught at the 25 Uni­ver­si­ty of Mon­tréal. After his retire­ment in 1998 he moved to Sofia, Bul­gar­ia. During his entire aca­d­e­m­ic career Asen Balik­ci was a gifted teacher, a gen­er­ous net­work­er and a cre­ative insti­ga­tor in the field of Visual Anthro­pol­o­gy. Amongst other places, he has worked in Afghanistan, Pak­istan, Ethiopia, Bul­gar­ia, Moroc­co, Sene­gal, North­ern Canada, Siberia as well as in Sikkhim, both as an anthro­plo­gist and a filmmaker. 


part 1

Quentin Brown
Canada 1963-1964 | 36 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
In late winter when the cold is severe, the people and dogs are glad to stop their trek and make camp. In the blue dusk the men probe the snow … read more


part 2

Quentin Brown
Canada 1963-1964 | 36 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
In the morn­ing the women spread the furs over the igloos to air. The chil­dren play, strik­ing a ball of fur with a bone bat. The men wait patient­ly for … read more


part 3

Quentin Brown
Canada 1963-1964 | 30 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU
Work begins on a big com­mu­ni­ty igloo, and all share in the build­ing of it; one cuts, one car­ries, one builds, and so on. The chil­dren imi­tate. Women pile snow … read more