In Memoriam Barbara Lüem

(De platte Jungle )

Johan van der Keuken
Netherlands 1978 | 95 Min. | 16 mm, OmeU
Johan van der Keuken pro­duced this cin­e­mat­ic essay call­ing for pro­tec­tion of the Wadden Sea. His aim was to reach the largest pos­si­ble audi­ence in order to raise aware­ness of … read more


Ernest B. Schoedsack, Marguerite Harrison, Merian C. Cooper
Iran, USA 1925 | 70 Min. | 35 mm
Silent movie with musi­cal accom­pa­ni­ment by Günter A. Buch­wald, Murat Coşkun and Shakir Ertek Mar­guerite Har­ri­son, Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoed­sack travel through Asia Minor to reach a … read more