Checks and Balances
France 2015 | 97 Min. | OmeU

A slaughterhouse in Algiers: Youssef and his friend work here mostly at night. They talk about their daydreams of love, while loading bloody cow skins on a cart. In precisely framed, densely atmospheric shots, Hassen Ferhani creates this assemblage of (pleasantly non-bloody) images from the microcosm of an institution of killing. Halves of cows hanging in the air glide by in this place full of commotion. During the breaks, people talk about soccer and politics – like why an Algerian-French soccer player refused to sing the “Marseilleise” – and what they expect from life. “In my head there is a busy roundabout with thousands of exits, but I haven’t found mine yet,” contemplates young Youssef in the scene that lends the film its title.
When Youssef talks with his Uncle Ali, we also get a glimpse of Algerian history. Ali was born under French colonial rule, and he grew up during the war of independence. Youssef, on the other hand, is part of the Arab spring generation. He is hoping for a better future on the other side of the ocean.
ROUNDABOUT IN MY HEAD is most likely the most beautiful film ever to be shot in a slaughterhouse.
Hassen Ferhani geb. 1986 in Algier. Er arbeitete als Drehbuch- und Regieassistent und nahm an Workshops der FEMIS teil. ROUNDABOUT IN MY HEAD ist sein erster Langfilm, der auf zahlreichen Festivals lief und mit Preisen ausgezeichnet wurde (FID Marseille 2015 Grand Price French Competition; IDFA Special Jury Award for First Appearance; Turin Best Film for Documentary). Filme: LES BAIES D’ALGER (2006), AFRIC HOTEL (2011), TARZAN, DON QUICHOTTE ET NOUS (2013).