freiburger film forum 2019

May 28 - June 2

program 2019

featured themes

Lisbet Holtedahl | Colo­nial Men­tal­i­ty |
Progress and Dis­place­ment | Char­coal Burn­ing | Cur­rent Films |

students’ Platform

Stu­dents Filme |

accompanying events

Mas­ter­class: Lisbet Holtedahl | Panel, Resti­tu­tion - or what belongs to whom? | Instal­la­tion: Memory of things |
Film con­cert: Sur­vival Strate­gies for Cold Coun­tries |
Photo Exhi­bi­tion: Afghan Box Camera Project |

Guests 2019

Hannah Ambühl, Switzer­land | Karl Ander­s­son, Germany |
Fathia Bazi, Nether­lands | Lukas Birk, Aus­tria (Exhi­bi­tion) |
Laura Blankholm, Den­mark | Ivan Boc­cara, Marocco |
Stéphane Breton, France | Tina Brüder­lin, Ger­many (Panel) |
Shreyas Dasharathe, India | Maui Druez, Belgium |
Marc Sebas­t­ian Eils, Ger­many | Elena Friedrich, Germany |
Prof. Dr. Albert Gouaf­fo, Camerun | Mischa Hedinger, Switzerland |
Lis­beth Holtedahl, Norway | Thomas Isler, Switzerland |
Rob Jacobs, Bel­gium | Mah­moud Ben Mah­moud, Tunisia |
Anush­ka Meenakshi, India | Solomon A. Meko­nen, Germany |
Robert Müller, Switzer­land | Cyprien Ponson, France |
Savyasachi Anju Prabir, India | Anne Rei­jniers, Belgium |
Dr. Anette Rein, Ger­many (Panel) | Rober­to Man­hães Reis, Brasil |
Daniel Lawrence Robin­son, USA (Box Camera photographer) |
Nizar Saleh, DR Congo | Viola Scheur­er, Switzerland |
Renato Bor­rayo Ser­ra­no, Guatemala | Paul Shemisi, DR Congo |
Iswar Sriku­mar, India | Jeroen Van Velzen, Netherlands |
Preben Verledens, Bel­gium | Ger­linde Waz, Germany |
Laura Zansky, Ger­many | Oskar Zoche, Germany |