freiburg film forum 1987Katalog 1987

27 April – 3 May

Program 1987


Featured Themes

Eth­nol­o­gy and Cinema | Colo­nial­ism-His­to­ry-Pol­i­tics |
Tuareg-Nomadism | Med­i­cine-Reli­gion | Women | Music | Ten­den­cies |

Accompanying Events

Panel Dis­cus­sions | Sem­i­nar |


Frank Ballot, Ger­many | Wolf­gang Bender, Germany |
Karl-Eugen Bleyler, Ger­many | Eliane de Latour, France |
Jean-Claude Diallo, Guinea | Moustapha Diop, Niger |
Mar­lene Dit­trich-Lux, Ger­many | Julia Ekong, Germany |
Ilan Flam­mer, France | Werner Gar­tung, Germany |
Prof. Gerd Spit­tler, Ger­many | Ger­hard Göt­tler, Germany |
Pierre Haffn­er, France | Idris­sa Oue­drao­go, Burk­i­na Faso |
Anna Soehring, Ger­many | Daniela Weise, Germany |
Tobias Wendl, Ger­many | Friedrich Zim­mer­mann, Germany |

No Eng­lish trans­la­tion avail­able for the years 1985 – 1997.