Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
Israel, Palestine 2001 | 94 Min. | BetaSP, OmeU

THE INNER TOUR is an Israeli/Palestinian copro­duc­tion por­tray­ing a jour­ney by an organ­ised tour-group of Pales­tini­ans from the West Bank and Gaza, The tour-group travel through Israel, which for them is the lost home­land and the origin of their occu­pa­tion. The events of the film fea­ture the expe­ri­ences of the group as they stop along their sight­see­ing tour. The film offers an unique­ly humane and polit­i­cal­ly dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed por­trait of the Pales­tin­ian people and their expe­ri­ence. It pro­vides view­ers – with anoth­er look at Israel. through the eyes of these travellers.